LOL Zombie hoard attacks subway commuters. Funny & scary but kinda dangerous... if this happened in Texas or Florida bodies would've piled up.
Apparently, this is a serious problem in the media! The spiked hair guy at the end just f'd his $100k/year job right in the p!
What was anyone expecting from a bunch of drunk horndog dudebros at a soccer game. People are way too easily offended these days. The way this chick dresses is practically asking for this kind of thing too. The first pic I found of her she's got her microphone clipped to her bra which is hanging out of her top. Other bros and brosefs have done this stunt better though. Works best with an attractive female reporter who gets super embarassed.
The most hilarious part is we are supposed to sympathize with billion dollar conglomerates that can't be bothered to post security for their personnel. They resort to internet shaming campaigns because it's cheaper. The guy is getting called out for 'sexual harassment' even though it happens to ANY reporter, this time it just happened to be a woman. That said, he was on national TV in 2015, so fuck him. I would've wished for peace on earth and called it a night!
Yeah it happens to a lot of male reporters too. The pranksters are sometimes women. Less of a sexist thing and more of a fucking with dumb talking head reporters thing. The British ones are the best. I love how they just shove a dildo right in the reporter's ear. Also sunglasses dude is hilarious.