Surfing is probably a safe chat room sport. Even supersonic would have a hard time getting paranoid about pages and pages of chat about pro surfing.
Not only are honey badgers unstoppable badasses, but they can use tools and have primate level intelligence. Try to keep a honey badger captive and it will probably get loose, break into your house, and kick your ass.
I love this commercial mostly because it reminds me of every awful break room I've ever been in. Without Europe of course.
Thank god those biggus dickus commercials were banned. I think Comedy Central lost half their add review when they went away.
The yearly fight to the death for offbrand TVs and Android ghetto tablets It looks and sounds just like when they throw bananas into the monkey cage at the zoo.
Does the name Ronnie Pickering strike fear into the hearts and minds of every UK'er? I like to imagine Chi on the bike and monsly as Ronnie Pickering.... original (~1:10) + internet remix.