Imagine if they gave wifi control of it to Watson. Then the future we dreamed/worried about would be here.
I've not been a big fan of the Keith Lemon sketch show but I think he has this stuff pretty much accurate.
lol at this video. Linus's ghetto oven method beats a $7300 wave solder machine. Trash talking repair shop guy with his expensive, complicated method gets pwned. Board level repair is pretty pointless in most cases: it requires expensive tools to perform properly (lol at the $7300 price tag on the wave solder machine here), the results are inconsistent at best, the parts are sourced from who knows where, you're working with boards that were never meant to be serviced which is especially true of anything ball grid array, and it's usually all guesswork as to what went wrong based on sketchy diagrams from the internet. Very often board level repairs don't work for long. It's pretty much always better to just replace with a new part, especially with how cheap PC components have gotten these days. Also lol at Linus flying to another country just to settle a Youtube grudge.
Louis pretty much only fixes macbooks, those are expensive pieces of kit so people wouldn't want to throw them away. Look at his channel and he has a pretty high success rate. In fact his last video was someone buying a cheap fake apple charger because they didn't want to pay full price. Ended up costing them $300+ when it blew up a component. I'm an advocate of repair where possible. A chap at work has a TV that is displaying signs of a bad Cap on the PSU, he was thinking of buying a new one. Why would you pay all that money when for a few £/$ and a little soldering you could repair the one you have? We live in a throw away society.
Macs are an exception, and only because the logic boards are hilariously overpriced, so it makes sense to at least attempt board level repair. And of course that's why his shop does like 95% Macs. Anything else and it makes more sense to either just replace the board or buy a new PC. I've watched a bunch of Louis's videos and I just don't know man. I can't beleive soldering wires over water damaged areas of the board and other ghetto stuff like that is going to be all that durable. There's also a lot of stuff on PCBs that's below the surface that you can't see, so I would expect performance and stability problems even if the thing boots. The repaired machines probably hang in there for a few months and then die again. Just long enough that they are outside of whatever short warranty window he provides for his work. Also he will charge $300+ for some of his ghetto repairs. He provides an interesting service at a time when almost no one else really does board level repair. But it's also sketchy at best with success being a total crapshoot, and probably only marginally better than popping the part in a toaster oven. And at least the toaster oven method is free. Dude TVs cost nothing these days. You can get a 55" brand name at Walmart or Costco for like $5. Or you can get a Vizio for $2. TVs are the very definition of throwaway electronics. And I'm sure even a cheapo TV will be way better than his old TV.
He's knocking people buying fake chargers... but uses $7300 Chinese knockoff to perform repairs? I trust my LG oven more than that thing.
Louis has always struck me as a bit of a con artist honestly. The guy does expensive ghetto quality repairs for almost the cost of a new board. He'll like solder a wire over water damage. Then charge the poor schmuck $300. And he's calling Linus with his oven tricks ghetto. Also real wave solder machines cost $20-40K. So I'm guessing that thing is crap, lol.
First off all those women sounded like they were acting so that didn't seem real to me. Secondly this video brings up that part of this controversy that I don't understand. What's to stop any non-transgender man or woman from saying they are transgender just to enter which ever restroom they want? I mean have you ever seen the women's line for the restroom at a stadium sporting event? I guarantee half those women would say they're transgender just so they could get in the bathroom faster.
I guess places could go to unisex bathrooms or have an "other" bathroom for the delusional trannies. Maybe we could even have a fourth bathroom with cat boxes and patches of grass for the otherkin, with no sink because animals clean themselves with their tongues. Most trannies pass about as well as this guy, and I don't think most women would feel comfortable sharing the restroom with him. But who cares about them and their right not to share the bathroom with deranged perverts. Let's change everything for some mentally ill people who represent a fraction of a percent of the population.
Probably real. Looks like a lot of drunken and drugged out buffoonery, or in some cases just terrible driving.