Game of Thrones Yeah, didn't see that coming. I didn't think they'd kill off the biggest name in the show.
Game of Thrones I'm a bit worried about the future of this show to be honest. It seems like Sean Bean was carrying it, and the rest of the cast consists of nobodies. I like the dwarf character, but I don't know if that's enough to keep me tuning in. I think HBO might have just killed this show. Unless they can get another big name talent to step in, I don't see this lasting.
Game of Thrones The season final was good. I think they have a strong carry over into next season. Too bad it's so far away.
Game of Thrones Bean gets killed off in most of his roles excluding Sharpe, Silent Hill and obviously his early plays he first started doing. Don't count me on all of that though.
Game of Thrones I agree. I was pleasantly surprised by how good the show is even without Sean Bean. This is one of the best things on TV right now.
Re: Game of Thrones so I'm a week late and finally caught ep1 of season 2 and that scene transition from dramatic sequence to loud sex did it for me. Well played hbo. well played.
Re: Game of Thrones You're talking about the part with the whores lezzing out to practice for their clients? Yeah, that was delightfully trashy. You also had the dude who bangs his daughters to make more daughters to bang, which had me doing a wtf. Between this and Boardwalk Empire, HBO is really into the incest.
Re: Game of Thrones She was quite good as Anne Boleyn. In fact, I think she was probably the best part of that show. She was hot and really good at being seductive and manipulative, just like the real queen.
Re: Game of Thrones I thought that fire priestess was a hot ass ginger but I just watched ep 4 last night and... oh god.
Re: Game of Thrones It looked like the crap that comes out of the bottom of the charcoal bag when I'm barbecuing.
Re: Game of Thrones I was glad to see the people finally turn on Joffrey and literally throw shit in his face. People will only put up with so much douchebaggery. I could have done without the attempted rape though.