Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating gun law Read more: The enslavers just love a disarmed society
What do they teach you in history class? Britain had a massive world spanning empire at the time of World War II and could call on huge reserves of troops from Canada and Australia.
Wow! If it wasn't for some crazy german the british empire would still be chugging and kept everything. From my understanding of history channel shows, WW2 came down to: 60% Russia 10% Britain 10% USA 10% French Resistance 10% German Bad luck
Also, Hitler was an idiot. He squandered what was the best trained, most technologically advanced military in the world at the time. Invading the Soviet Union was an idiotic decision.
The French resistance equal to the others you mention? Buh? And German bad luck? A bigger issue was Hitler's stupidity; he made some very bad calls indeed.
I brought this up earlier. Police can't help you when you're being eaten by a bear.
can they not own firearms in Russia?? In Metro 2033 EVERYBODY has a firearm . I doubt there's many bears about in UK... Cougars maybe (I'm not really sure)
That is a shitty way to die. I think I would atleast go out trolling by making prank calls and ordering pizzas.
And alterego was wondering why someone would own a .460 weatherby magnum :. Going into bear country without some kind of high powered rifle is pretty stupid. Also, it's a Daily Mail article, so most of the lurid details are probably fake.
Bears are tanks. I worked in an anthropology lab for a semester as an undergraduate, and holding a bear skull and other bear bones was shocking. It's amazing how thick and heavy their bones are. A bear can instantly kill you just from the force of their strikes, whereas most big predatory animals (like big cats) use sharp claws and teeth to mortally wound you. I didn't fully understand just how powerful bears were until I got a good look at their skeletal structure up close. I've had no desire to go near any areas where bears reside since then.
Fact. You are less likely to survive a bear attack if you shoot the bear first. Killing a bear when it's facing you is very difficult. To kill the bear you would need to shoot it from the side. Shooting it in the head just pisses it off and puts it in attack/survival mode. Playing dead is still your best chance. Now having said that I would still shoot the hell out that bear because I'm stupid like that.
I was kinda' wondering how this girl was conscient enough to actually call her mom and actually make out a legitimate sentence if a bear is gnawing on her head :|. but still, pretty dramatic. Honeybear would kick a bears ass! You know who made that fact up?? nerds.
Looks to me like the article said that the stepfather was attacked in "tall grass and reeds" near a river, which sounds like it happened by surprise in a very awkward location.
You can kill a bear, but you need a very high powered rifle and the element of surprise. If the bear gets the drop on you, you're probably screwed.
The keenest sense of smell in the insect world, and in fact in all nature, belongs to the male silkworm moth. This valuable moth uses its two antennae mainly to locate the female and can detect her smell, up to 6.8 miles away.