You can take your chances but I'm betting no hand gun will drop a charging 1700lb brown bear before it eats me.
You been watching QI again? I wouldn't need a gun to take down a brown bear. I'd just set armadeadn on it. He'd snap the fucker in half with his hands.
If you just want to quickly get rid of them, go to a gun shop. They'll give you a few hundred bucks, or perhaps more if they're actually valuable. But you probably won't get anything close to what they're actually worth as the gun shop needs to turn a profit. Selling them yourself at a gun show is another option. It's also perfectly legal for you to sell or give them to a friend or family member.
Yes, it's perfectly legal to privately sell guns. If you're just looking to unload them quickly though, a gun or pawn shop will be your best option. @bfun What are the makes and models of the guns you're looking to sell? Keep in mind that if the guns are too cheap/crappy, gun shops may have no interest in them. They want something they can turn around quickly and make at least a few hundred bucks on. The condition also has a lot to do with what kind of price they'll get. How many times have you fired them? Did you clean and oil them after use? What kind of shape are the barrels in? Many gun shops also do a consignment type thing where you don't get much money until the gun actually sells. There's also this, which is sort of like ebay for guns. The problem is that you need someone with a firearms license to handle the sale (usually a gun shop owner), and they'll take a significant cut.
There happens to be a gun show in town next week. I'll have to see how that works but heck, I don't even have licenses for them. They're nice top of the line stuff though. Very well maintained. 2 357s, 1 with an exotic wood grip, 1 scoped 44, a beautiful 300 Winchester Magnum, a plain jane 306 riffle, 16 gauge shotgun, a very old 4-10 shot gun and an old beat up .22 riffle which I probably won’t sell. That's all I know about them. I'll need to do more research to get makes and estimated prices.
The magnum revolvers you'll have no issues selling, especially that scoped .44. Someone will want them. It's just a matter of working out a price. In fact, I would probably take that 44 off your hands for a few hundred bucks if I knew you IRL. I've wanted a scoped magnum revolver for awhile. The rifles and shotguns I don't know. I've sold guns before, and the pistols always sell right away, but I've always had a harder time selling rifles and shotguns. The problem with rifles and especially shotguns is that even new they frequently only go for a few hundred dollars. Edit: post pictures of the .44 and tell me more about it. I think I might want it. I could probably paypal you the money. Armadeadn is probably having a meltdown with arms deals going down on PVC. We all know how anti-gun he is.
I'll have to collect all the information and take some pictures. They're not at my house so it will probably take a few weeks.
I'm thinking of getting a Ruger 10/22. The base riffle is cheap and there are so many mods for it. This is the stock version which goes for about $240. It has a 10 round rotary clip. Here is the takedown version which comes apart and comes with a backpack. And here are some of many aftermarket parts you can get.