Gun ownership

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. You can thank Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex.

    On another note, what you Brits don't seem to understand is that the US wouldn't exist at all without private gun ownership. The US was literally founded by private gun owners who formed militias to fight the British.
  2. My opinion on the iraq invasion is pretty negative as it's pretty obvious we didn't quite do it right. Initially, more americans were for the war as it was their kneejerk reaction to 9/11. But if you ask most americans now, most have a bad taste in their mouth. For the most part, even the civilians there don't want any westerners in their land.

    But the other wars that the US participated in, such as the Vietnam War and Korean War, I can say without hesitation that America was right. The Korean War goes without saying.. but most westerners don't understand the Vietnam War much. I'll say this much. If America didn't intervene, me and my sister wouldn't be here today. And what I mean by "be here" is we wouldn't exist. My dad would've been dead somewhere and who knows what would've happened to my mom. My sister was born in a refugee camp in Malaysia when their boat escaping Vietnam made it there and I was born in the US shortly after my parents made it here.

    So what I'm trying to say is try not to generalize what war is. Sure, you'll hear plenty of anti-country propaganda so and so and people spouting what they think the reasoning is, but there are victims that you do not see and probably will never understand the suffering that is happening.

    Imagine the atrocities that would've continued in China by the Japanese if America hesitated to end the pacific front quickly. Imagine what would happen to Taiwan if America decided to not show their presence to China with their Navy. Imagine what Korea would be like right now if America didn't assist the South Korean military.
  3. Oh I know. I used to go to them with my Dad. He would buy and trade revolvers.

    I bought this airsoft M4 for my Bro-in-Law as a Christmas present.


    I plan on getting this guy.

  4. You're not scared of living in a country where this can very easily happen? I would be. But I guess it's something you get used to.

  5. Not really. Giving up civil liberties so you can feel safer is how fascism usually starts.
  6. I'm all for gun ownership as well as a decreased national military size and strengthening of national guard and militia.

    Fascism? I'm always hesitant to use that term. Communists had a horrible police state too. We've got some sort of corporate-owned militant police- hardly something fascists would approve of since they were even more anti-capitalist than they were anti-communist as amazing as that is. :/ I dunno.

    I'm also for the legalizing of duels and other things like that that allowed men to be men with respect. "But it would be like the wild west," my dad would say. Yes sir that's what we need instead of this reptilian, unnatural hierarchy we've got going where people are more disrespectful and uncivilized than cave men.
  7. Oklahoma Mother, 18, Kills Intruder Breaking Into Her Home While on Phone With 911
  8. There are plenty of stories like that. During Hurricane Andrew, my friend's dad shot at a gang of looters who were beating up his neighbors and robbing their house. He hit one of them, and the rest got in their truck and fled. They probably would have killed his neighbors if he hadn't done something.

    But you know, according to Armadeadn, guns are evil and are never used for anything good.
  9. And what if one or more of them had pulled out a gun of their own? Then both families could have been killed.

    Also I never once said that "guns are evil and are never used for anything good". Guns can be used for good, in extremely rare circumstances. Don't try to tell me that guns do more good than bad because that would be a bare faced lie.

    People who were shot dead who deserved it vs people who were shot dead who didn't. You do the maths.
  10. The interesting part of that story is that she was on the phone with 911 for 21 minutes. They couldn't get a dispatch out by the 20 minute mark. If she was unarmed and the burglar was competent she was guaranteed to be raped.
  11. Wow so you should just stand there while your neighbors are getting beaten and robbed? Great suggestion.

    And Andrew was one of the worst hurricanes in history. It basically wiped out South Florida. It was anarchy. Good luck waiting for the police in that situation.

    Millions of dead Nazis say that guns can do a lot of good in the right hands.

    Armadeadn is apparently fine with people getting raped. It's better than the alternative of defending yourself with a gun according to his bizarro logic.
  12. Entering the battle late, yeah okay. We would have won it anyway.
  13. Did I say that? I was unaware that if you're not holding a gun you're completely powerless to do anything.

    Soldiers using guns in wars, and any Joe Bloggs on the street packing heat are two completely different things.
  14. How do you figure? Your military was basically defeated in World War I and would have lost without American reinforcements. The Germans came very close to winning in 1918.

    The British also did horribly in World War II. You guys perpetually got your asses kicked. You evacuated from Dunkirk, leaving mainland Europe to the Nazis. Pulled out of the Far East. Did pretty crappy in North Africa. Basically lost in Normandy at Cannes and had to rely on Americans to bail you out. Market Garden was one of the worst disasters in military history. I can't think of any part of World War II where the British did well.

    The British also had the pussy policy before the war of appeasement. Basically giving Hitler everything he wanted. How did that work out for you?
  15. It was a "world" war you helped out everyone, but once all of the super powers were tired out from years of fighting the mighty American army came to save the day. Only because of that pearl harbor incident too if I am mistake.
  16. We entered in 1941. Hardly near the end. You need to study history. Britain definitely would have lost without US (and Russian) involvement. After Dunkirk you guys were backed into a corner. And Dunkirk only happened because the Brits were pussies. Pussies retreat and evacuate.

    At no part in World War II did the British do well. They lost almost every battle.
  17. Lol. You make it sound like you came in to help us because you're so awesome, when in fact you only (eventually) joined the war because you could no longer trade with Nazi Germany.

    But back to the topic at hand. You think giving everyone the right to be able to very easily kill anyone they feel like is a good idea, and I don't agree. I'm pretty sure this is a never ending subject.
  18. I said entering the war late, not near the end. The war started in 1939. And you only joined in when it came into your own interest and not just to help out. Whereas we helped you out straight away for the Iraq war. Well, we still are I think.
  19. Again, study history. The US was sending Britain weapons and aid almost from the very beginning of World War II. The British just can't fight worth a crap.

    We joined the war because we were attacked by the Japanese, who were Nazi allies.
  20. No, it's because we have the smallest country and smallest amount of troops in the world. We managed to take over half the world though until we became and nice and gave it back, so we obviously used to fight better than crap, even though we were still crippled by the first world war.