I like pictures

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by Armadeadn, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Who wore it better?

  2. I just hit the Special K Red Berries Lottery.

  3. What is that? It looks like a tumour.

    I remember hitting the Beef Hula Hoops Jackpot when I found a cube of flavouring about a centimetre across in the bottom.
  4. I think it's a blood clot.
  5. I had a big lump of flavour in a pack of flamin' hot monster munch once. Quite a day, that was.

    Where do you go from that? Only downhill. Only downhill.
  6. You would have to be a sicko to even contemplate eating flamin' hot, it is all about the roast beef!
  7. I like both equally.
  8. You can both fuck off. Flamin' Hot is the flavour of KINGS.
  9. Time for monsly to change his avatar...

  10. I'm afraid that avatar is far too delicious to use.
  11. What does a regular Christina Abu-judom taste like?
  12. Everyone knows that when it comes to monster much it's all about the pickled onion.

    I once saw a cheap aldi knock off called creature crunch. Me and my mate found that hilarious for some reason.
  13. Pickled onion flavour is the devil's work!
  14. What's devilish about this? Demonish maybe. But devilish is just absurd. [​IMG]
  15. I let the pickled onion packs go stale when we buy a big multipack. Horrible things.
  16. Impressive, but that guy must be sweating like a pig in that costume.