I like pictures

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by Armadeadn, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. You can see some of the foam coming out of his arm. I can't imagine wrapping myself in foam. Maybe that tank has an AC unit in it.

    I hope that kid has never played the game.
  2. I think they usually stick fans and ice packs in there to keep cool.
  3. Probably has...she looks like she's just picked out her next victim in the crowd. Those creepy eyes!
  4. Best Cosplay costume evar!
  5. She needs her pasty smashed right in.
  6. Much better dance moves than Godzilla...
  7. Lost in translation.
  8. I've never understood why guys swoon over the Harry Potter chick. She's average looking bordering on homely. She has no curves. She has a very boyish looking body. I don't get it.
  9. Think for a minute as it is obviously not her face I want to smash in.

  10. Her nonexistent ass? Her A cups? She has the body of a 12 year old boy. That's not sexy to me.
  11. Nope. I'm lost too.
  12. She's really beautiful but yeah, as you say the body does nothing for me. At least she doesn't still have that 12 year old boy's haircut.
  13. NSFW This shows up on reddit yesterday. Real or fake?

  14. Not on a white boy lol.
  15. What are you doing looking at men's penises?
  16. Wait..does it have it's own pant leg?