Pictures from the surface of Venus taken by a Russian probe in 1981. The probe only survived a couple of hours before it was crushed and melted.
I took most the pictures I've posted. Not Venus obviously. That's a pic of Waikiki from the top of the Diamond Head volcano crater. I took it with my S7 Edge and I was absolutely exhausted from the climb. The pictures with the rock walls was in Moab Utah. It's a beautiful place but hot as hell.
This is the Santa Clause atop his North Pole at a Christmas themed amusement park here in Colorado. Looks pretty creepy to me.
Went to Japan for a couple of weeks. Found some interesting items in the stores. Some Gen 1 Transformers which I managed to resist buying. And a couple of shirts with this on it. Too soon Japan. Too soon.
That's actually a sauvastika. But the swastika and sauvastika are ancient religious and cultural symbols. The swastika you're thinking of is rotated 45°