I like pictures

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by Armadeadn, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. I think chi's been nerding it up on Star Trek online. AGAIN.
  2. Well some MineCraft mods actually look half decent, like this one:

  3. Of course it's a Mine Craft Mod. chi is the Mindcraft Master.
  4. You need to start posting in 4:3, you're missing out on valuable screen real estate.
  5. this guy.. comedian of 2012
  6. Why are these pictures only 166 pixels high? It doesn't matter how wide they are, they look like poo.
  7. I was assuming they were getting resized because of his image host (photobucket) and told him to use something like imgur. But now I'm assuming he likes it resized down to tiny like that since he's still using photobucket.
  8. I don't get it though, I thought photobucket gave fullsized images unless you specifically choose squinty mcgee versions.
  9. The startling truth will B-L-O-W-Y-O-U-R-M-I-N-D-!-!

  10. Careful, Apple'll sue you for that.
  11. Fine. Have it your way. ::)

  12. DoW 2 Performance test? Trying to play DoW 2 now are we?
  13. Yup. Started playing it again.
  14. Forget what I said, it's just the games that look like poo.
  15. That picture is about 10,000 times to large for this forum lol.
  16. Or the forum is 10,000 times too small.
  17. [​IMG]