An ex of mine hated Uma Thurman just 'because' she annoyed her. I guess I have that with some actors, but it doesn't stop me from watching a movie they are in if I think the movie itself looks like something I might like.
Interstellar Alright, alright, alright! Finally saw this and it was as amazing as I've heard. Easily my favorite movie of the year. Most interesting thing was I was thinking about scenarios in my head, only to watch them play out on screen later... maybe I've been incepted or inceptioned or just watch too many movies...
Is Interstellar that good? When I saw the trailer ages ago it seemed a boring family thing...or is there actually space exploration or something?
that's actually what the hype was about. the movie was hugely anticipated because it was going to be a Christopher Nolan scifi movie. his first sci-fi flick. his track record of huge blockbusters and heavy plots made everyone want to watch this. the trailers you saw were done like that on purpose not to give away the movie. only to give you the surface of the plot which was that earth's resources were running out and couldn't sustain life much longer.
Finally got around to watching Interstellar. What a great film wish I did not leave it as long now. I love space exploration so this was right up my street. The end parts were a bit confusing with the books and felt out of place to me.
The official PVC 2014 Game of the Year! Watched it again over the weekend and it's still a great movie. It does lose a bit of luster on a 50" TV. Can't help but feel sad for anyone that didn't watch this in an epic format... Getting the BluRay to demo my projector build this summer. [hide]now streaming in trollapalooza[/hide]
Interstellar It was enjoyable and had brilliant special effects. The story is a paradox. Humanity's survival depends on wormhole and antigravity technology that humans develop in the future and send back to help humans in the past. But how did humans survive on the original timeline to develop that technology? 9/10
No, cmdr is correct that it does end up as a paradox as does most movies with a time travel type plot, specifically ones that have plots that travel to the past. In this plot, when mcconaughey's character goes into the black hole and arrives in the tesseract, he theorizes that it was made in by a future human civilization. This means, the humans did survive from earth all along. If this were all true, the path towards the "future" was already set in stone. The plot that we watched unfold should've never occurred since human civilization was never in danger to begin with as we know they have survived. If they lived through this, what was the point of them creating the wormhole and the tesseract for him to send the data of the singularity back to his daughter?
Time travel paradox is unavoidable AFAIK, you just have to go with it. This movie was awesome but would go full retard upon close scrutiny. Why would transcendent beings from millions of years in the future give a shit about 22nd century humans or the planet earth? Blue Steele + this guy, that's why:
I think understanding the concept of time travel paradox before diving into time travel movies lets you appreciate them more. You'll be able to better appreciate them when you run across ones that deal with it in unique ways. My favorites are coincidentally foreign movies. Timecrimes really caught me off guard and kept me interested all the way to the end. The House at the End of Time uses a horror/thriller plotline to hide a clever story. Primer deals with it technically. It's a very low budget American movie. I wouldn't recommend this one to anybody. I only watched it all the way to the end because I had already watched half of the movie by the time I realized I didn't really like it.
lol @ primer. That is a dead on review. I was hooked at first but story transitioned into a Looney Toons skit... it had a $10k budget so couldn't really explore beyond one set piece and 2 actors.