Ravensword: Shadowlands appears to be close to release. I played their previous Ravensword iOS game and found it to be a bit dull and "last gen", but this one seems more graphically ambitious and kind of like a poor man's Oblivion for mobile.
I decided to pick this one up, despite some of my misgivings. I usually end up with a fair amount of time to waste during the holidays, so this + Vice City will do the trick. I have already seen complaints about the enemy spawning being redundant in a way that's similar to the first one. EDIT: I've played a bit of this today, and I would say it feels a bit like a cross between Elder Scrolls and Zelda. Not suggesting that it's really anywhere near the quality of those franchises, but the world and graphic quality is kind of a mish-mash of the two. I finished an early side quest for the local town Blacksmith that was located in the Eastern Woods, and the town itself reminds me of Elder Scrolls, while the woods area reminded me of Zelda, i.e., it's a self-contained map with set boundaries. I've also experienced one of the most bizarre bugs I've seen in a while: a giant glowing piece of armor floating in the sky above the town.
Downloaded few games lately. Settlers HD, played few first missions and got bored. You just set up things and fast forward time. Then repeat. The beauty and simplicity of first Settlers games is gone, the growth model of your tribe is overhelmlingly complicated, there are thousands of buildings and just after the tutorial I got an impression that I just didn't get it and would have to replay the tutorial probably for at least once. Then I got Bastion and it is just great. The controls work great, the idea of having a virtual analog you first put anywhere on the screen and then tilt sideways by gently tilting your thumb works here as a charm. Frankly, I do not remember an ipad game with such precise and functional virtual stick. And then of course is the game, old good Bastion we all know. Seems to me that ipad is just a great platform for this one.
This is actually pretty cool for those who are familiar with the C64 era...probably best for tablets, as they're text oriented.
I blame those damn video games, ruining the mind of the youth. Pure brain-rotting trash, now where's my bindle of glorious cocainum?
Real Racing 3 releases in the U.S. tomorrow, and there is some controversy surrounding the switch to the freemium pay model and timers for repairs to your car etc....but visually it is looking really good.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown is going to be ported to iOS. Apparently it's going to be an exact duplicate of the content of the PC version, with touch control added. From the video, touch control seems fairly natural with this game.
I had never heard of Runaway before, but apparently it's a franchise that has had other installments previously. There's a new 3 part series coming out and visually it looks really slick. One of the better animation styles that I've seen for mobile. Giant size install though, at around 1.5 GB for the 1st part.
Oceanhorn, a Zelda clone that was announced a looooong time ago (early November 2011) and is still quite a ways off in terms of release (late 2013?), shows off about 5 minutes of gameplay.
Apparently there is going to be a mobile version of the Frostbite engine called Frostbite Go that will be used for games on iOS, Android, etc. http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/05/15/ea-reveals-frostbite-go-game-engine-for-apples-ios-google-android
The Phoenix Wright trilogy is quite decent. My only complaint is that the background music is not refreshed. But this doesn't change the fact that it is still a great game with new clothes.
Deus Ex: The Fall from Square Enix... and Bloodmasque, also from Square Enix...looks like you can put your own face in the game using your portable's camera. !
Crytek has a new iOS game in development, The Collectibles, and apparently their demo of it included a (probable) sneak peek at one of the new MFi controllers that should be available around the time iOS 7 launches later this year. Looks like the version that the iPhone would fit inside of. The other form factor would be a standalone wireless controller.