iOS Gaming

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by alterego, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. ipads... is there anything they can't do?
  2. Yep...that's one of the features that is tempting me to "trade up" after the iPad 2 launches. I'm also interested in seeing how much of a performance difference there is in running things like iMovie and GarageBand on iPad vs. iPad2. Can't really say that I've run anything on iPad so far where I felt like performance was lagging though.

    EDIT: Whoops, the original iPad isn't listed as compatible with iMovie due to the lack of an onboard camera. I also saw that Firemint is talking up iPad 2 specific graphic enhancements for Real Racing 2 that's a game that would work great with the HDMI mirroring!
  3. After doing the math, I decided to buy the identical iPad 2 version of my current iPad and sell the original. It probably will end up being about a $70 premium vs. keeping the current iPad another year and then buying the iPad 3. I can get $340 for the 32GB WiFi now, and I figure that resale price will probably drop to $150 or lower by 2012.
  4. Some screenshots from Real Racing 2 HD, which I believe are from the iPad 2 optimized version...




  5. My mum has a game on her ipad called Infinity Blade (I think). It's made by Epic and powered by Unreal Technology. Pretty graphics, the ipad is more powerful than I had realised. Not a bad little game too. Capping dudes/monsters three times your size with your sword is ace.
  6. Monster Hunter?

  8. That level with the first monster looked a bit like one from Demon Souls. A type of clone perhaps. It looks quite good though.
  9. From now until March 20th, Sega has dropped the price of Street Fighter 4 for iOS to .99, and 100% of the proceeds go to disaster relief in Japan. So, if you had even a slight amount of interest in this one, pick it up! Dirt cheap and for a good cause.
  10. Loving my iPad 2!

    I recently reached a milestone on Bejeweled 2 for my iPhone... OVER 1 BILLION POINTS!!!
    I've been playing the Classic mode without losing, since April of 2010! The highest score the game can calculate is around 2.1 billion and some guy hit that last year after 3 years of play. I'm on track to hit the top score in less than 2 years :)
  11. I just received mine by FedEx yesterday. I bought one of the new magnetic face covers and really like it, but am hoping a 3rd party will release a back cover that is specifically designed to work in tandem with it. Congrats on the Bejeweled score...1 billion seems like a crazy amount of points, much less 2 billion!
  12. Tapper World Tour is a rather well done reincarnation of the old arcade game Tapper. Don Bluth (of Dragon's Lair fame) provided the character designs/animation, which gives it a fresh look. I've played the Story Mode for a few levels, and the difficulty starts out ridiculously easy but ramps up by the time you get to the third bar setting and customers begin sending the empty glasses back to you. It's on sale right now as well: .99 for the iPhone, and 1.99 for iPad.


    I'd love to see Bluth do more art/design for original portable games. The style is perfect for this kind of thing.
  13. TouchArcade produced video of the HDMI-Out accessory for iPad 2 in action...shows a wide variety of iOS games being played on an HDTV.

  14. The ipad2 actually impressed me when I tried it. It's quite a bit thinner and lighter than the original, and felt like it would actually be comfortable to use for long periods of time. The dual core CPU it's running is a real beast for something in a mobile device. It was very fast and responsive. If it had USB ports and it were about $100 to $200 dollars cheaper I might buy one.
  15. Its said those devices are a danger for the consoles as gaming systems...
  16. hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaaahahaaahaahahahahahhahahahahah. Hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Hahahahahahahah. Oh boy. Whew!

    All I saw in that video were a bunch of small, mini, non-games along the lines of peggle and columns and stuff. I'm pretty sure this won't worry the console fraternity.
  17. Probally not no, just like that theres said console gaming is a danger for pc gaming, just comical, for decades long, already.
  18. Danger to PC gaming? As I pointed out the other day, only 3 of the top 20 critically acclaimed games of the last year were PC exclusives. Thanks to consoles you also get multiplatform releases. You're just ungrateful.

    Edit: actually, I may have misread your point. Seems to be some sort of PC gaming isn't dead cliche. BOOOOO.
  19. I meand that the consoles arent any danger for pc gaming, and never were.
    They change the pc gaming market, but not in a danger way that it will die indeed.
  20. I've played the first two sections of Superbrother's Sword & Sorcery EP and really like it. It's more like an interactive telling of a legend/fable than a game for the most part, but you do have to solve a few mild puzzles and there is a pattern based boss battle at the end of the 2nd section. It really does deliver an unusual experience though, with some great incidental music and touches of humor. There are elements that remind me of the Zelda series (without the gameplay being like Zelda), as well as a few touches that remind me somewhat of the early '90s game Out of this World.
