iOS Gaming

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by alterego, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Pinball games don't interest me much. After 5 minutes I'm bored.
  2. I think some people are bored with pinball because they don't realize there's strategy or specific goals involved. They just randomly flip the ball around.
  3. I try to knock the ball up to the top of the table as that's where most of the points seem to come from. Not enough baysplosions for my liking I guess.
  4. Contemporary pinball is based on completing modes or missions that advance you through the various table goals. You have to hit a certain target or series of targets to start the mode/mission, then hit the mission targets (usually in a set period of time and sometimes in a set sequence) to complete it. Usually there's some sort of final mission that you have to complete in order to "beat" the table after you've completed the preliminary stuff, and then you repeat the process.

    It's definitely more fun if you actually try to complete modes and beat the table, rather than just play randomly.

    For example...

    This particular table hasn't been released for iOS yet, but hopefully at some point it will.
  5. Pinball is for fags.
  6. Don't worry cmdr, pinball was exploiting the idea of using hot chicks to sell games long before the video game industry was doing it...



  7. no I mean you are the ball, the camera is in the ball. You don't roll but you can if you want, the camera just basically follows (but is inside) the ball. be hard to controll the flippers that way, it'd be a niche product, but with the proper kind or rear view mirrors type thing and the proper player with very quick reflexes and good environment recognition it'd really be a hit.
  8. I know what you mean (and it probably is more interesting than the Furminator), but technically that wouldn't fit the FPS idea because it's the flippers that "shoot" the ball, so the flippers are the equivalent of the classic disembodied hand holding the gun in an FPS.
  9. This could become a very interesting game show...
  10. Namco has released the original Soulcaliber onto iOS with retina display graphics supported. Looks pretty sharp, but the initial price point is higher than you might expect...$12.99.

  11. Was SOul Caliber the one where you could do that "dodge the rifle shot" bit at the end?
  12. No, it was the one where you have to dodge the deadly attacks of the spell checking software.
  13. It was merely an errant capitalised "O"
  14. I meant "calibur" being spell checked to "caliber". Try it and see...
  15. Oh yeah. Soul calibur is weird spelled.

    You spelled it caliber too!
  16. I spell it calibre. wait no I don't, that's CRAZY...
  17. More Pinball Arcade for iOS...this time it's Theatre of Magic on an iPhone 4. Looks like it's going to run smoothly on older devices and have a decent level of detail as well.

  18. It's a teeny, tiny sliver of gameplay, but it still looks quite interesting: Oceanhorn. The buzz has consistently been that this will be a high quality knock-off of Zelda, and it certainly LOOKS like a blend of earlier Zelda's and a bit of Windwaker...but what the rest of the game really consists of is still completely unknown.

  19. Interesting...there has been a new iOS game tied to the Mass Effect franchise announced, and apparently it's a kind of mobile expansion on the upcoming Mass Effect 3. Sounds like there are some direct connections between the two, like rewards and weapons that transfer to the main game if you've collected them in the mobile version.

    Mass Effect: Infiltrator



  20. The Pinball Arcade has been released for iOS and I have some quick first impressions of it.

    Graphically, it's not really up to the same level as the PHOF: Williams Collection on the 360. Looks to me like Farsight has taken the approach (at least initially) of a one-size-fits-all solution for the supported range of iOS devices, which means iPad 2 and iPhone 4S users are going to be seeing lower-res textures than would be ideal for their hardware.

    It also looks like some tables have had more development time than others. Tales of the Arabian Nights, which comes free with the .99 initial download of the app, is very polished graphically. Theater of Magic, on the other hand, looks chock full of low-res textures. Perhaps they'll upgrade those things over time...who knows. Anyway, the two best looking tables at the moment are Arabian Nights and Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

    I think the only thing that qualifies as a major disappointment so far is that Farsight decided to use Facebook exclusively for online leaderboards and such. It would have been better if that were an option in addition to OpenFeint or Game Center.