Infinity Blade My favourite iOS device game so far. If you're unaware the premise is that you're this guy who's going to a citadel atop a hill on a mission to destroy the God King. You fight various sub bosses along the way with your sword, trying to block, dodge, and parry your way to victory. Once you make it to the God King you have one attempt at beating him, if you die (and you will, many times) you'll start from the beginning 20 years later playing as your son but with all the same stats and equipment. There's a metric fuck ton of kit to buy and level up and so far I'm on bloodline 34, meaning I've either killed the God King or been beaten by him 34 times. The gameplay is exceedingly addictive and considering the actual game is so short I'm surprised I'm still replaying the same old thing. There's a bunch of secret bosses that you can only fight once you've bought the Infinity Blade itself and there's a little bit more story revealed. It's also powered by the Unreal Engine and the graphics are miles above any other mobile game I've seen. There's an Infinity Blade II out so I'm thinking of getting that once I've reached level 100. They've just announced Infinity Blade Dungeons to coincide with the new iPad and it's changed the formula up totally so I'm interested to see how it compares. If you have an iPhone or iPad you should treat yourself to Infinity Blade.
Well, I have no idea if the game will be good, but this trailer for the The Walking Dead video game by Telltale Games that will release on iOS, XBLA, PC/Mac etc. is really well done...
Have you watched the first 13 minutes video for it? It actually looks fairly decent and I laughed at how many times that poor guy kept tripping and falling down, and clumsily dropping things. His future doesn't look too good considering... thought he might have been a hardened criminal, but really just looks like a poor guy that got arrested for playing music too loud.
Yeah, this is an immediate purchase when it comes out. Interesting blend of controls and semi old school RE style handling of the environments. Great stuff. I'm guessing they'll roll this out in segments...
The guys over at Inside Gaming Daily on Machinima reckon the controls work well on mobile devices so you should be in luck.
I've got some codes to get a free copy of lost winds for the iPhone; UK accounts are the only ones it's eligible for. Let me know if you want one and I'll PM you the code. They're available from Starbucks at the moment so I grabbed a few earlier. Meant to be a pretty good game.
oh wow, starbucks' free itunes things are pretty cool, i've got about 4 books that I haven't read. because they were FREEEE! I'll take one.
I thought it was a nice touch, had no idea they did it. Just sent you a code now, still have another left (somewhere or other).
Some new Infinity Blade: Dungeons footage has shown up on Joystiq, and it's looking even more promising than before. There doesn't seem to be a YouTube version up yet, but here's the link to Joystiq.
The Pinball Arcade is really proving to be one of my favorite iOS titles, and it's available on Android as well. They do actually seem to be keeping up with their promise of releasing new tables every month (which I was a bit skeptical of), and they've stepped up the graphic detail for portables since the initial release. Video of Circus Voltaire below, which is a previously unreleased table that's been paired with Funhouse as DLC. FarSight has also recently begun a Kickstarter campaign as a test to see if they can bring more expensive licensed tables to the app. The first one is 'Twilight Zone', which is a huge favorite among solid state pinball enthusiasts. They also mentioned tables like 'Star Trek: Next Generation' as possibilities if they're successful in raising the $$ for 'Twilight Zone' licensing.
I've been using the device for a week now (the new Ipad 32gb) but every day I am more and more impressed. Kids love it too, of course. As for gaming, I've downloaded like 10 or so games. Some of them are amazingly addictive, like the Labyrinth 2 HD. I've also finally played Ghost Trick, Phantom Detective, it looks much better than the DS version I've downloaded as a demo.
EA's upcoming 2012 releases for iOS are looking very similar graphically to the console/PS Vita versions, and the combination of portables as a controller for the big screen is obviously similar to Wii U.
Whew...the iOS version of The Walking Dead by Telltale Games is finally making it's debut tomorrow. Similar to other platforms, you can buy episodes individually or at a somewhat lower bulk price for all. Looks like it's only going to run on iPad 2 or higher, iPhone 4 or higher, and iPod Touch 4th Gen or higher.
Be glad/ This game should only be played on the ipad in the least. 3.5" display is too tiny to enjoy this game.