And yet you keep posting stuff like that lol. I've never seen anything remotely like that in my time watching the WWE, however I'm not going to say that muscly men wearing nothing but pants grappling with other and rolling about on the floor isn't quite gay lol.
Only because I was quoting you lol. You're the one posting comments about people who wrestle having their erect penises fall into other guys' mouths so yeah, if I were like you I'd be calling you a fag right about now.
I don't get it. What's faggy about playing the piano? And playing to well? and playing a quality tune from a massively pulse video game? Are you jealous much?
What the hell is this phrase? It sounds very dudebroish, whatever that means. I think he might mean that it's for fags because he watched it and it made him gay.
I meant massively popular. Sometimes I type too fast for my iPad to keep up and in auto corrects things badly half the time.