L.A. Noire

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by alterego, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Popular Rockstar games mostly make it to the PC, just like GTA4, crappy, but its there;P
  2. So where's my RED DEAD REDEMPTION?!?!?!?!??!
  3. I don't have to worry about such trivial matters ;p
  4. That's not saying much. As you said, their ports tend to be horrible. I almost wish they'd find a partner developer that is good at porting games to PC instead of the halfass job R* does with thier PC ports.
  5. Indeed, and GTA4 is like 3 yrs old now.
  6. No sign on Red Dead Redemption coming to PC so I wouldn't hold my breath for this. It's a massive shame really :(
  7. Rockstar now reports that PS3's might get overheated and shut itself off thanks to the new firmware.


    Looks like the PS3 is doing worse then the 360 ever did. Consoles wanted to be alike-pc's but they take their disadvantages aswel.
  8. Until PS3s start crapping out by the millions, that's hardly as bad as the RROD fisasco. RROD was so bad I would often go into stores and see display units that had died.

    And a recent firmware update for the 360 apparently kills disc drives in older consoles, although MS is comping people with a new 360 slim and a year of XBL.

  9. "Mostly on the PS3 Fat models"
  10. Some months ago i saw an PROD 360 on a kiosk, the store didnt ex-change or repair for another 3/4 weeks.
  11. If the procedures for store kiosks are still the same, then the store isn't supposed to do anything at their own expense. There's usually a rep from the manufacturer (in this case, MS) that makes their rounds and replaces the units themselves.
  12. Yeah, a gamestation in my town had four Xbox kiosks, the model just before the slim came out. All four were RRODing.
  13. Yea, but in whatever case, its not a good presentation for MS and its 360's. Saw only once that a PS3 was dead, but that one got replaced (or repaired) just one day after.
  14. I've played through a handful of the opening missions in this game, and my impression so far is that L.A. Noire is expanding significantly on the high bar Red Dead Redemption set for character and storyline, while the gameplay itself is good but fairly standard. One difference with Red Dead is that I feel like the free roam element in L.A. Noire is almost beside the point...like they could have entirely eliminated it and still had just as solid of a game experience. I realize that most gamers would probably freak out if Rockstar didn't include free roaming, but it's not really a key part of the game.

    Of course, I botched my first interrogation in the game!
  15. Further impression: this game is really, really good. I've played through to my first case on Homicide, and don't have any major complaints (still on the first game disc). The interrogation part of the game is quite fun, and not all that easy either despite boiling down to three possible choices...truth, doubt, or lie. You don't have to get the interrogations exactly right in order to proceed with the cases, but the game motivates you enough to wish that you did.

    Similar to Red Dead, there has been a solid mix of variety in the story mode missions, and the "radio dispatch" side missions when you're out driving around are intended to be more action oriented (although story mode has it's share of that).

    And, yes, the quality of the facial animations and characterization is well beyond what I've personally seen in a video game. I've really enjoyed that part of it. There's still some uncanny valley moments for sure, but it's a big improvement in terms of delivering story. Seems likely that this game will be seen as a watershed moment for improving the cinematic qualities of video games.
  16. From the videos I've seen of the game, the animation tech is fantastic but it does veer off into the uncanny valley and this is slightly offputting for me. I may pick it up when it's cheap, but right now, I can wait.
  17. Well, the point is actually that the tech used in L.A. Noire significantly reduces the uncanny valley moments compared to other video games of this generation. Highly realistic facial features combined with non-realistic facial expressions is the bread/butter of uncanny valley.
  18. Looks interesting. I may pick it up after a price drop. Between this and Red Dead, it's good to see Rockstar doing something other than cranking out generic GTA sequels.
  19. I thought Red Dead Redemption was the best game Rockstar ever made, and I'm pretty excited for this Bondi/R* release as well.
  20. It's still a bit uncanny for me, the smoothing of the textures on the faces is incongruous with the wrinkles that suddenly appear when the actor raises their eyebrows etc. Bit creepy for me.