Heavy Rain, GTA, SSX and Wipeout, i've completed with a total time of less than 24 hours. We're talking completing the set singleplayer option. Collecting 100 pigeons is not what I call "gameplay"
Nope. I'm only a couple of hours into U1 and never played U2. I'm going to play U2 at some point because you say it's a vast improvement. If the general buzz is to be considered it should be an amazing game, should be.
Then you won't get why such a short game is rated so much. Complete all in order then come back here and then grovel after they have turned you!
I'd like to continue playing Uncharted, I really would. In fact, I'll do just that when I get home tonight. That'll learn ya!
That's not the same as finishing a game in a 24 hour time period. I bet the game clock may have said less than 24 hours but that was probably over the course of at least a few days. My point is it seems pretty short if you've finished it the day after you bought it.
It just depends on how much spare time you have, as phisix has nothing to do all day BUT play games. He could complete anything in 24 hours. CoD has a singleplayer that lasts 5-6 hours, shadow of the colossus can be completed in 4 hours, Ico can be completed in 2 hours. Heavy Rain took about 9 hours to complete,
Yeah I do have a lot of time at the moment so was proper smashing the game. I can play while smoking too so that adds time. I did have some breaks though as im not that hardcore anymore. Quarter way through Crushing though so hoping to get the platinum soon. I have a lot of games where im close to the platinum and I have yet to finish them so I need to.
I didn't really get close enough to try the punching very often. When I did it was very, bland, just hitting square until they went down *yawn*. To be fair to this game despite the array of things I really didn't like I thoroughly enjoyed playing it in the end and look forward to the second installment.
Melee combat is not used much in the first two games, but the new one uses it more. Get the second one as soon as possible then you will kneel down and believe about the hype and epicness of the game.
True. Most of the time trying to maneuvure drake was like trying to drive a milk float through a cloud.
Hmm... Cloud: no resistance. Milk float: slow. Sounds like Drake moves like a hot knife through concrete!!
I've just completed Metroid Fusion for the 6th or 7th time, this time on the 3DS. I just love this episode, it's short, intense and not too difficult - even boss fights are rather straightforward. The most difficult is as always The Nightmare (the robo-cat) and this one takes about 5 attempts. I am waiting for a portable Metroid made for the 3DS, it could even be a port of the Other M which sucked balls on Wii but could be great on the 3DS.