Last Game You Completed?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. The Uncharted games have always been pretty easy to platinum, but the crushing difficulty has been scaled right down.

    UC1 was probably the hardest and best, I might have to go back and see how it compares.

    We ought to get some sort of online gaming session organised.
  2. UC1 Crushing is far more worse than the other two. I still have it to do, and I am not looking forward to those monsters. They were a pain on hard mode.
  3. You need to run and gun in crushing for them, really switches things up
  4. Yeah, thats what I did on hard mode. Those things actually scare the shit out of me when your first in that German bunker.
  5. Tell me about it, those things haunted my dreams for a few days. No videogame has done that.
  6. Resident Evil has when I was a kid. Silent hill was a fucker too...
  7. I managed to get to the end boss part on uncharted. The bit with the monsters in the Bunker did not scare me this time thank god. The end boss part is annoying as hell though so I have taken a breather. Once I have completed that part I only have like 6 trophys until the platinum though.
  8. Just this minute finished the campaign for Gears of War 3, finally. My disc broke ages ago meaning it kept crashing one chapter from the end. I got a new copy with my Gears Xbox. Although it wasn't a totally happy ending it was much happier than I thought it was going to be. I was thinking maybe everyone would die at the end because that would sound about right for a Gears game.

    Oh well, now to play RAAM's shadow dlc :)
  9. I recently finished Space Marine, and that game had a rather sad ending, but it was VERY well done none the less. Fantastic game that I think everyone should at least give a try
  10. I finished the PC version of GTA IV. It was pretty good. I started playing a bit of The Lost and Damned.
  11. I just completed MW3. Campaign was more satisfying than BF3.. although shorter, which I didn't think was possible. On the other hand though, BF3 had more memorable moments than MW3. I was disappointed that there was no epilogue though. :(

    You even get to team up with some French GIGN guys in MW3. It gave me deep flashbacks of counter-strike when I saw them. *shiver*
  12. I'm done with Skyrim. Finished the main quest and my character is too powerful now to enjoy some of the more mundane stuff. I could create a new character and finish more of the game but I think it's time to move on to something else. Steam says I've played 223 hours but I think a lot of that was unattended time. I figure I only played 70% of the game.
  13. If there's one thing rockstar know how to do right it's dlc. The dlc packs for gta iv are some of the best dlc I've played, especially the ballad of gay tony. After spending ages riding on bikes it's great I go to the next dlc and drive cars again, especially the new ones.
  14. Completed Batman AC. Really enjoyed it. I think I preferred the tighter set up of AA and that game's main story but it was still a great experience and the change in direction did make for a different experience. I think the riddler stuff could have been cut back though, waaaay to many of those.
  15. I've completed Uncharted 3. It was better than the 2nd (I haven't played the first one), shorter and more intense. I wouldn't probably played it for the second time but I got what I expected.

    Solid 9/10 for me.
  16. The last game I completed was Mass Effect 1 (3rd playthrough) . I am still playing Mass Effect 2 for the 3rd time and will get Mass Effect 3.
  17. After watching the Assassin's Creed 3 trailer I felt motivated to pick up Brotherhood again and after a couple of hours last night I completed the story. There's still plenty of stuff to be done like rebuilding Rome and various side quests as well as collecting the flags but I'm done with it for the time being. Now I can get started on Revelations which I got for Christmas and I aim to have the story on that completed in time for the fifth instalment in October.

    I wasn't as impressed with the ending for Brotherhood as I was with the ending for AC2. I especially didn't like the fact that once you have the Apple at the end you can't attack properly making battles both lengthy and boring. Honestly I find myself more interested in Desmond's story rather than Ezio's and I'm looking forward to where the story goes from here.
  18. Finished Journey tonight. Really enjoyed it. Much like Flower, it's a really unique and atmospheric experience. Id go for trying to finish it in one sitting if possible, think it works better that way. Some really magical moments indeed. Be warned it's quite short though but I think it works well that way - its definitely one I'd replay.
  19. War Hammer 40,000: Dawn of War

    I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was familiar with the series. 6/10
  20. Great game with a unique atmosphere. Quite short, though.
    I've completed it in like 1:40 with someone aside so I got a silver trophy for finishing together.

    I bet I will return to the game dozen of times as there are still things to rethink and reexplore.

    Playing with someone else was funny because there's no way to talk and you have to "beep" the other player. It becomes a ritual then when for example you are lost for a moment and then find each other and "beep" to signal that everything is ok now.