making good coffee and espresso

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. These days I'm buying the 2 pound bags of Lavazza beans for my morning grind and brew. I drink that black. In the afternoon I switch to Costco ground decaf, which is really good, and I drink that with Hazelnut creamer.
  2. I usually buy the 2 lb bags of Lavazza or Cuban beans at Costco and grind it up and brew it in a moka pot.
  3. I mostly drink loose leaf tea and have a Breville One Touch Tea Maker, but I'll check out the Bialetti Moka pots in case I want to mix things up.
  4. Those are good starter pots to see if you like moka pot coffee. I ended up upgrading to a stainless steel moka pot.
  5. We have a moka pot but it only comes out when were making tiramisu.
  6. #26 AKS, May 14, 2023
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
    Well, it looks like I'm going to have to give up caffeine pretty much entirely. I've had some mysterious elevated blood pressure issues recently, and I pinned it down today by not drinking any tea for a few days and found my diastolic pressure jumped from 77 to 90, normal to hypertensive stage-2, after two mugs of green tea. This really sucks given I drink at least a pot of tea per day. I'm going to have to swap to herbal tea and decaffeinated tea. I have hundreds of dollars worth of high quality green and black tea in my cabinet, too. I can't believe I'm that sensitive to caffeine that it will eventually kill me if I keep drinking it. I also can't help but wonder what type of shape I would have been in had I been drinking coffee all this time, which has twice or more the dose of caffeine.
  7. I had to mostly give up caffeinated coffee about two years ago. I had some really weird issues going on and no doctor or specialist could tell me what was happening. While I don't think coffee caused it, it did seem to make it worse. I don't mind decaf coffee as I've found some pretty good brands. I also fast in the mornings so that has reduced my coffee intake. I'll drink it black, but I prefer it with cream and a little sugar. I imagine the decaf tea options are considerably worse if you're a tea connoisseur.
  8. You guys are lightweights.

    Decaf coffee is pointless and belongs in the dumpster.