Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by cmdrmonkey, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. I just finish the game and avoid all gay scene in the game.
    And in previous game i kill Kaidan Allenco just in case.
  2. I played the game dudebro style as a soldier, so I didn't worry too much about weight. I was walking around with a scoped mattock, a black widow, and a tempest for fast moving spam enemies.

    This worked pretty well. I even found the boss fight near the end against that Cerberus assassin guy pretty easy. And the black widow was excellent for taking out those Asari banshee things.

    I messed around with biotic and tech characters in the previous Mass Effect games and found that I ended up with characters who sucked in combat. And unfortunately, the squadmate AI isn't good enough that you can rely on them to actually kill anything in a fight. It's easier just to play dudebro style as a soldier and use your sidekicks as tech and biotic specialists in certain situations.

  3. Vanguard is pretty weak until nova and charge are maxed out. When maxed he might be one of the most powerful player on the field.
  4. For any of you interested in the multiplayer component, I've found that the Asari Adept and Salarian Infiltrator to be the best overall characters. My personal favorite is the Drell Adept, which I've used to clear Gold difficulty several times.

    In multiplayer, the biotic and Infiltrators are the best. It also can be nice to have a Turian Sentinel in the party for Overload for shields/barriers and crowd control and occasional extra Warp explosions.

    Biotics cause more damage with biotic explosions than any other type of attack, and they can typically do so from a decent distance and at a very rapid rate. This goes for any type of protective shield, armor, or barrier. Nothing holds up to Warp/Reave explosions. I believe the most damaging type of attack by a single character is the Drell Adept's Reave/Cluster Grenade combo. Dudebro Soldiers are just for putting out front as bullet shields to soak up some damage while the biotics and Infiltrators take down the major threats. There are a few exceptions, such as a Krogan with a high level Geth Plasma Shotgun or a Turian Soldier using Marksman with a tricked out Revenant.

    BTW, a free expansion of the mutiplayer component is coming out very soon.

    It includes new characters and weapons.
  5. The Batarian Soldier is pretty badass. He's really strong in close range. All his powers seem pretty good. I really want to unlock the Asari Justicar.
  6. The new endings are out. They aren't great, but they are a significant improvement and don't feel like a complete slap in the face to the fans like the original endings. They're hopeful instead of depressing, and offer some closure.

    They also completely changed some things to resolve gaping plot holes. The mass relays and citadel don't explode in this ending. They just take a lot of damage while sending a burst of energy to destroy the reapers, and they get repaired later. The Normandy and the fleet are revealed to be leaving the Sol system to escape the burst of energy. This actually makes some sense now. It made no sense before. A repaired citadel is shown orbiting Earth towards the end.

    There's also a new refusal ending where you can reject all of the choices.

    If these had been the endings all along I would have been mildly disappointed but not angry.

  7. Quality storytelling right there
  8. It's still crap. but crap is better than shit.
  9. I suppose you would know the difference
  10. The founders of Bioware have stepped down. EA ruins another company.
  11. well; at least ME3 was mostly good right? Profits are ALL good says EA.