Remember Max Payne 3? I hated the second one so much I never finished it. The first is way better. I just hated the way they'd changed Max's face and voice so much it didn't seem like it was him, it's like replacing the actor playing a loved character with another actor.
Remember Max Payne 3? I just ran across this video when it just dawned on me this game is supposed to come out in 2 months. The animation reminds me of syphon filter where your aiming arm remains where it should be while your body is running correct direction so there's no more awkward backpeddling while in the middle of a fire fight. A lot more bloody too.
Remember Max Payne 3? The character animations are impressive. It's a shame the graphics look so average otherwise. I think if you could combine those body animations with the facial animations from LA Noire, you'd have some very life-like characters.
Remember Max Payne 3? This actually looks awesome, although he looks weird without his hair. I still need to play the second one.
Remember Max Payne 3? The PC version of Max Payne 2 is the only one worth playing. There's a massive difference between the PC version and the console versions in terms of graphics. So much so that it's like you're not even playing the same game. The PS2 version looked particularly shitty. The PC version had DX9 effects and Havok physics. It looks like a current gen console game if you have a decent PC.
Remember Max Payne 3? That game scaled amazingly. I remember it playing fine on my tbird 700 with Geforce 2 GTS when I was actually playing on my main machine, P4 northwood a 1.6GHz with Radeon 9700 Pro.
Remember Max Payne 3? I actually have the PC version of Max Payne 2 sitting in my desk draw next to me, played it a little while ago during my lunch hours.
Remember Max Payne 3? You're wrong. This is Max Payne 2 on PC played with all the settings set to maximum, hardly up to the standard of the current gen.
Remember Max Payne 3? That looks pretty horrible. Are you sure settings are maximum? Cuz that's kind of what that game looked like on my 2000 PC setup. I found my screencaps I had on original pvc forum. This is what I was playing on back in 2003. And this was my 2000 PC
Remember Max Payne 3? not really I literally posted a shot of my game from 2003. are you ignoring that? It just looks like your laptop's integrated gpu is about as powerful as a gpu from 13yrs ago. and I'm not exaggerating.
Remember Max Payne 3? That looks like shit. Get a PC with a real video card. Damn console gamers with their laptops with crappy integrated video. Do you even have anti-aliasing running? This is how I remember it looking:
Remember Max Payne 3? I think the biggest differentiator are the extra shaders and lighting that games have these days. I think with some decent material shaders so that jacket actually looks like leather etc would bring it up to par.
Remember Max Payne 3? In ways it is certainly up with current gen console games, just like HL2, FarCry and Fear are, but in other ways it lacks. Still, with a good amount of AA/AF it's a spectacular looking game. Sometimes the textures look a bit low res, sometimes the polygonal detail is a little low and other times the shaders are a bit subtle and underused, but on the whole it's definitely way closer to this generations consoles than last.
Re: Remember Max Payne 3? I think I've pinned down where the bald and bearded look they went with this time came from.
Re: Remember Max Payne 3? Yeah but Max is even more violent than Mr White, probably not as aggressive but definitely more violent.
Re: Remember Max Payne 3? rockstar seems to be giving special treatment to the pc version
Remember Max Payne 3? There's nothing wrong with a bit of mindless action every now and then. I like deep engrossing games like Skyrim and Fable but there's always room for stuff like Doom and Street Fighter.