Is this game supposed to be good or something? Seems pretty popular on Steam. I liked the original MGS. But MGS2 was one of the gayest things I've played, and I didn't bother with any of them after that.
Looks like it got 10s across the board. I bought it. Will get a refund if it sucks I guess. You never know with these console games. The console riff raff enjoy some real trash and don't have the refined tastes of the PC master race. Edit: it comes with a free copy of Ground Zeroes.
One was great, then kojima went crazy with two, but got it under control for three, which is arguably the best one. Four also went a little cuckoo but nowhere near two's levels. Peace Walker on the psp and HD collection was great. Timeline wise, I believe it goes 3, peacewalker, 5, 1, 2, 4. Phantom Pain is looking good, gameplay wise but I'm not sure about the story so far.
The official timeline goes: MGS3 - MGSO - MGS: PW - MGS: GZ - MGS-PP - MG - MG2 - MGS - MGS2 - MGS4 That "silent" battle was awesome!
Probably for the best. Otherwise we'd just be hearing you complaining that the game keeps asking if you want to wear a chicken hat.
Because he's a masterful troll of the highest order. He made you buy Phantom Pain, even though you hate giant robot penises.
MGS2 was some epic trolling. He makes you think you're going to play as a badass. Nope. That's only for the first 15 minutes. You actually play as some metrosexual sissy boy who can't get off the phone with his girlfriend.
You might like MGS3 then. Nothing but manly Snake surviving by eating snakes and breaking all the bones in his body.
Gets his ass beat royally by a girl near the beginning, though, although that particular girl would smash just about anyone at will in the MGS universe. @cmdrmonkey Raiden from MGS2 makes a big comeback in later games as a legit cyborg ninja badass.
You get paid for tranquilizing and removing animals from combat zones. I caught my first bear today. But bringing it down wasted a lot of darts, which I needed later.
You can call for a ammo re-supply at any time via your Idroid. Helps a lot in big/hard missions. Still not done that bear mission myself.