MGS5: Phantom Female Gamers

Discussion in 'monkeyCage' started by cmdrmonkey, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. quiet is actually a tranny
  2. There used to be several women players on the CS:Source servers and playing with them was great. Most of them didn't even bother to teabag you after a humiliation kill.
  3. It wasn't impossible to run into women on CS:S if you played the cleaner servers with rules. Still, at it's peak CounterStrike was the most played game of all time... women were a drop in player pool bucket.
  4. That was just a rumor that was floating around a few months ago based on fan speculation and it didn't turn out to be true from what I've read about the actual game. Everyone is so obsessed with trannies these days, lol.

    The real reason she looks super sexy: Kojima kept saying to make her sexier to encourage cosplay.
  5. So? You don't actually have to play the games anymore to be exposed to them within the media. The content is all over the place. And like I said, it's obvious that video games were popular with men before they could realistically depict strippers and hookers.
  6. What do you mean, so?

    They stretched 'gamer' thin to get close to a 1:1 parity between genders. Clicking a static button on FarmVille or Mafia Wars doesn't make you a gamer. Casual gaming starts at something like Asphalt on mobiles.
  7. Where are the statistics regarding the percentage of male gamers that only play video games for gratuitous T&A and derogatory content? Doesn't seem to exist. However, if you look at the marketing for games like GTA, they don't really put a lot of focus on killing hookers for money etc. They don't even believe it's going to sell the game.
  8. I misread the last post. I was still debating the 'wider audience' topic.

    Are you now saying a rated M game holds some social responsibilities because it's heavily advertised in media?
  9. I'm still talking about the "wider" audience, i.e., where's the evidence that a significant percentage of males are gamers primarily because of T&A and gratuitous content? If you don't have any proof of that, then the rest of it doesn't even matter. You're getting upset about something that isn't even real, i.e., men require those things to be gamers.
  10. I don't think anybody made that irrelevant claim, since it's unlikely to be true... it was said that women do not play 'hardcore' games in significant numbers. Also, T&A isn't the only thing feminists take issue with in gaming. The damsel in distress concept is probably further up the list and that is widely prevalent in gaming.
  11. I really don't see what a character design like Quiet brings to the table. It's just stupid. It's this sort of thing that makes me glad gamergaters have basically fucked everything up and there's a bit more thought and debate about how games deal with issues like gender.
  12. We should change your title from compulsive hoarder to trans positive feminist social justice warrior.

    Do you have a set of preferred pronouns you would like us to use when addressing you? We wouldn't want to offend your delicate sensibilites on gender issues.

  13. Shes a warping silent sniper who picks off people in the field for you as well as scouting enemy places. Whats not to love.
  14. Monsly needs to get that bomb out of his vagina.
  15. My gamergate radar is beeping.
  16. That's just the bomb in your vagina
  17. Except the Gamergaters really were right about a lot of things. Like the over the top political correctness on a lot of gaming news sites these days (Gamespot has a non-passable tranny reviewing games and ranting about feminism, fucking lol). Also about that purple haired hobag who slept around to promote her game about depression that wasn't even really much of a game. Also about feminists like Anita Sarkeesian wanting to destroy our hobby by making everything politically correct, non-offensive, boring, and female friendly when women don't even play anything other than Farmville and Candy Crush anyway. When women start actually buying real games, then feminists can rant about them being non-inclusive. Until then they can shut the hell up, because money talks and bullshit walks.

    Maddox does a great job of talking about this:

    Women: buy real games. Make real games. Otherwise shut up and stay out of it. This is a male hobby that gives men what they want.
  18. Here's your own quote from earlier in the thread:

    "SJWs seem to think all projects are/should be for some sort of greater good. But in reality they are done to generate money, and thus cater to a core demographic."

    Core demographic = majority of people buying the game. You were arguing that they were objecting to things that were necessary to sell the game. And I'm saying you have no proof that even exists…which you then admitted is probably true.

    You guys don't even know what your own argument is.
  19. When you say someone is being "politically correct", you're saying that they are only commenting for political purposes, not because they actually believe in what they're saying. Why do you think women wouldn't actually believe that misogynistic or derogatory content about women was a negative?
  20. Political correctness = being careful not to offend people

    Our point is that there's no point in worrying about whether hardcore games offend women or properly represent women because they don't buy or play them in significant numbers. It's also a poor business decision because making games more marketable to a female audience that doesn't exist may make them less marketable to the male audience who actually buys them. Maybe not every man buys games for the T&A. But some of them do. And taking it out would mean selling fewer games. Most women really don't like violence or action. Most men love it. Take those things out and you will lose most of your male audience.

    If you want to see what happens when a former hardcore gaming company tries to have broad appeal to women, casuals, and non-gamers with cute, girly, non-violent, non-sexy games, just look at Nintendo. The Wii was a flash in the pan. Those women and nongamers who bought it played it once and put in the closet to collect dust and didn't buy any games. Now Nintendo is swirling down the toilet because they don't appeal to the male core gaming audience and the women and non-gamers who were never really all that into games in the first place have moved on to Farmville and Candy Crush on their phones and long since forgotten about the Wii.