Misogyny Hunter: Feminist World

Discussion in 'monkeyCage' started by Phisix, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. Whereas you wish to "empower" women by treating them like cognitively impaired children who need to be gently coddled and told how to act and what to wear by male feminists such as yourself. I view them as capable adults with agency to make their own choices and take responsibility for their own behavior.

    Trust? Hollywood has shown us how much the womyn can trust male feminists. Just a matter of time before they are charged with some sort of predatory behavior against the womyn they pretend to want to protect. You can almost set your watch to it when someone identifies as a male feminist. How many male feminists have been accused of predatory sex crimes in the past few months? I can't keep track anymore.
  2. @monsly outed himself as the pervert. No doubt thinking of that degrading sexist beach volleyball game. I'm talking about the DOA fighting game that the patriarchy fears. Quintessential empowerment of ones self to beat the ever loving shit out of murderers, rapists, or Aziz Ansari. It should be considered the cornerstone of modern feminism.

    @Phisix RE7 is very very good. I haven't finished it but so far it's extremely immersive. It seems like a throw back to more story driven shock horror like the original trilogy. Those were my favorites so I'm really liking this one. Think RE1 with better movement and controls in 1st person mode.
  3. The very fighting games where setting your age higher would make their breasts bigger. Maxed out around retirement age I think, I spent half an hour investigating once. Sickening. I was visibly shaking at the end of that session. I couldn’t believe that the value and agency of these women were reduced to their breast size.

    I remember discussing this back on the old board with AKS. He defended it, said that these women were actually tough and able fighters, capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and who was I to judge. He started showing me pictures from the game and asking me how they made me feel. He offered me some of his ‘funny’ juice drink and told me not to tell the others about what we were doing. Luckily, armadeadn walked in dressed as a ‘death knight’ and started talking about his latest Oblivion video in a deep voice. I dread to think what could have happened without that interruption.
  4. I would never take that right from a woman. Who am I to dictate what they should wear? I believe everyone should own their bodies, regardless of how they identify their gender. Please note I am not assuming they need to have a gender BTW.

    Unless they choose to make a stand that results in them exposing the power imbalance in society. You don’t like that if you’re honest.

    Pretty sure the #metoo movement wasn’t just reserved to the more, on the surface, progressive males. It showed how deep the problem goes and that we can’t keep papering over the cracks in our society. The cracks these ladies showed were huge.

    Just because you pay someone to demean themselves for your pleasure doesn’t make it right. Whether that’s a stripper in a club, a tinder date pressured by an expensive steak meal or a video game character reduced to parading herself for your pleasure with no regard for her feelings. If we treat everyone the same and with respect, this world would be a better place. It’s time to take a look at yourself and make a change.
  5. You've neen listening to Man in the Mirror too much you crazy SJW bastard.
  6. Watching too much Lego Batman will do that to you.
  7. lol I looked up this age setting thing. Seems inconclusive according to the interwebs.

    Anyway, it's actually a semi-legit fighting game across skill levels. Game-play mechanics are a lot simpler than a Soul Calibur or Virtua Fighter. You can put in the time to dig into the game or get by on a few simple blocks and counters. I'm at the point where simplicity is a selling point. The days of spending 20 hours in training mode on Virtua Fighter just to get good enough to beat the roster are behind me.
  8. I had forgotten about Arma doing his gay wizard voice videos while playing Skyrim. On the one hand it's refreshing to see someone take role playing so seriously. On the other hand it makes me want to give him a wedgie.
    • lol lol x 1
  9. Remember all this bullshit you don't really mean next time you spaz out about your puritanical standards not being met.

    There isn't AN imbalance of power. There are several inequalities that affect both men and women. The problem for you is half seem to be completely invisible to keep your feminist religion tenable in your mind.


    Of course they're not "true" Scotsm...male feminists when they do things you don't approve of. Only when they're endlessly preaching how terrible everyone is for not coddling and protecting the womyn, not when they're trying to abuse and rape them.


    Hollywood clowns are not heroes for putting on a public display claiming they're going to rape each other a bit less. You can't be a hero when you're also the perpetrator. They've had the dysfunctional casting couch system in place as long as Holllywood has existed. They aren't saving the world if they're slightly less abusive to each other than usual.

    No regard for a video game character's feelings? Did you really say this? I think you should give this some additional thought.
  10. #30 monsly, Feb 3, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    Anyone can dress how THEY like. The difference between me and you is that I am happy to see a woman dressed as a slut (please note I am using this word to reclaim it) if she wants to. You, however, want her to dress as a slut for your own sick pleasure. I helped out at a regional slut walk and we saw your type at the roadside, leering away, as the point sailed across your heads.

    Nice use of the word spaz too. Very classy.

    What a joke. Come back to me when women have equal pay and influence in society. That would be never by your actions. It would be right now - with an apology - by mine.

    It’s telling that you think rapists and exploiters can be feminists. “Hey monsly,” you slur “those sluts got a little touched up, a little abused, but they knew the deal. They got their money, didn’t they?” A tear rolls down my face but not for you. For them.

    Nice attempt at body shaming with the accompanying image. Next time don’t choose such beautiful and full women who explore their bodies for themselves and never in your name.

    It’s telling that the one example you object to is a video game character. Newsflash. They are not real but the other examples were. It’s very revealing that you didn’t see a problem in those ones.

    I help support a local women’s group and a big problem for them is male entitlement and anger. Your posts have a huge subtext in this. I don’t know what’s gone wrong for you but something clearly isn’t making you happy with women. Maybe you shouldn’t make hate your light. Try love instead. Peace be upon you.
  11. I hope for your sake some of this is hyperbole and trolling. Otherwise I'll just assume you've been completely castrated and are wearing a gimp suit. You're the one constantly throwing tantrums about how people are dressed. I don't care. I don't tell anyone what to do. I'm against authoritarian nutjobs like you trying to tell everyone what to think, say, and do. Stop projecting.

    I knew you'd appreciate it.




    It will never be by women's actions, either. They work less and in lower paying jobs. Much lower RISK jobs, too, which pay much less. The "pay gap" bullshit is one of the easiest feminist myths to debunk. I can't believe you're this dumb. You've swallowed the bait, hook, line, and are trying to deep throat the feminist fishing pole at this point. Curious that feminists don't seem to want "equality" for garbage collection and sewage treatment positions, just the executive spots and cushy academic positions.

    Feminists don't seem to be interested in seeking "equality" for medical research funding when it favors them, either.



    Religious nuts try the same no true Scotsman bullshit. No one buys this except people within your loony secular cultist ingroup.

    Agreed. Definitely not in my name, for me, or anywhere near me.

    No, it was just hilarious seeing you try to lecture someone for not considering the feelings of a fictional video game character. Apparently you didn't quite comprehend how idiotic that was.

    It's common for people with excessive buildup of estrogen and soy on the brain struggle with distinguishing between "feminists" and "women." Most people are not feminists. Even most women are not feminists. All of my objections expressed are against feminism and feminists, not women. Most women think your ideas are crazy. They want nothing to do with you. This is why feminists use such pathetic attempts to convince people they are feminists. "Are you against inequality and eating fetus omelettes? Yeah? Then you're a feminist!!!" That's all it takes to be a feminist. Pay no attention to the loony patriarchy theory and rape culture bullshit behind the curtain. LOL. Pathetic.
  12. #32 monsly, Feb 3, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    I would ask you to consider the impact of your words; I think the tone you are taking is needlessly aggressive. I haven’t taken that tone with you so would appreciate the same curtesy.

    Citation needed. I have highlighted a few times the issue of having women forced to dress like sluts by the pressures of a male dominated society. You openly endorse the forced slutification of video game characters; it’s not a stretch to say that attitude probably carries over to all other aspects of society from your warped penis-centric worldview. Take a look up sometimes; woman do have brains too.

    I really didn’t. I help children with various hurdles in their life and don’t appreciate you using such a term as a negative insult. It demeans them but, at least, it demeans you more. I think it’s clear who the real spaz is.

    Women are capable of working very hard indeed. Try to understand this. That society offers them less is a tragedy. We should seek equality. For you to say women aren’t capable of working as hard as men is a joke that I won’t even acknowledge.

    So now you arguing that more women should die? Just how far down the MRA rabbit hole are you? Instead of complaining about women’s lives being saved, you should be looking at what they do and replicating it for whatever cause you favour. I recently completed a marathon in aid of prostate cancer; raised over $1000 dollars. Biggest contributors to that? The women’s group who I support. Guess that just doesn’t fit with your narrow world view, huh?

    If you think rapists and abusers are feminists, you are the real nut job. Hollywood has issues; never denied it. It’s good that these men are being shown for what they are. The important thing is to help keep that light shining. Not turn it off and say there’s nothing to see. We have seen the monsters and they are real.

    Again, women chosen for ridicule and reduced to mere empty vessels for your pleasure. I think I see only empty vessels in your future if you treat women like your posts indicate.

    I made you aware with my news flash post. It was obvious. However, you never saw a problem with the other examples. How interesting.

    What ideas? Feminism means treating women as equals. How crazy and radical.

    Again, I think you’ve got some personal baggage that is clouding your views here. Get out in the real world. Talk to the next woman you meet as a PERSON, not as a female, a slut or an ungrateful bitch. Check out her mind, not her tits. Maybe - just maybe - you’ll realise her having the same advantages as you isn’t a problem. It’s a gift.
  13. #33 cmdrmonkey, Feb 3, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    lol at anyone like Monsly who actually believes feminism is about equality. It's a misandrist female supremacy movement. It's so transparent in its hatred of men that even most women want nothing to do with it.
  14. what the hell does any of this have to do with monster hunter
  15. I think I’ve hunted down a monster or two here, to be fair.
    • lol lol x 1
  16. Every definition of feminism I’ve read is about equality. Not sure where your one comes from, sounds a bit misogynistic to me.
  17. Egalitarianism is the movement that's about equality.

    Both MRA and Feminism are sexist supremacy movements. They're actually so similar it's pretty comical. One of the best examples I can think of of Horseshoe Theory.
  18. @Phisix must've anticipated this thread jacking and made 2 backup threads.

    Ever since alterego left to March Against Trump, we haven't had anyone bust out graphs and charts in a long time. It's clear monsly spent his time away learning the teachings of Grandmaster Chi. Good stuff.

    • like like x 2
  19. Wow. Thread of the year, and its only February.

  20. #40 AKS, Feb 3, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Are you serious? I just cited multiple statistics, all of which you predictably ignored and didn't even attempt to counter or refute with the exception of a personal anecdote. One of us has made a big issue about women's attire, and that would be you. That was pretty much the only thing you seemed to know about MGS5, that you didn't like Quiet's outfit. It didn't bother me, and it still doesn't. Nor do the outfits of anyone else, especially fictitious video game characters even if you inexplicably believe fictional characters have feelings that are being deeply wounded by their outfits.

    I said I don't care what people wear. If that's what the director/ creator wants, that's what they can make. It's up to the consumers/ audience what to make of it. That is not "openly endorsing" anything but free speech and creative freedom of individuals. Feel free to use your individual free will not to buy it if you don't like it. I don't care what you do or buy, nor do most people, so stop pushing your views on other people.

    Considering you are starting from a nonsensical, fictitious position, yeah, it would be quite a stretch.

    Me two days ago:
    You seem to be struggling mightily with keeping each of our positions straight. I said in my first comment women are capable and can be responsible for their own actions. You've continuously claimed they're so terribly disadvantaged and downtrodden (with no evidence demonstrating this to be the case just as expected) that they need all sorts of special assistance and privileges to make it. Please sort your positions out. A bit of logical coherence and consistency on your part would be very helpful here.

    I was referring to YOU in that comment. From there you surmised I was insulting disabled children? Sounds legit. LOL.

    I do understand this given this has consistently been my position all along.

    Again since you're currently so bewildered and flummoxed:

    Do I need to label this as my position so you won't forget again?

    Why don't you just refute my positions instead of trying to rephrase my position into something I've never said? I have maintained women are capable adults. How many times do I have to post this?

    Oh, goodness, so much stupid packed into this. Obviously I cited those figures to indicate there are also clear inequalities favoring women, not just unidirectional patriarchal oppression and victimhood. And predictably you think falsely claiming I'm a member of a fringe activist group is really a cogent argument? Most homeless people are men. 3/4ths of violent crimes are committed against men. Males are currently falling behind in education and being treated as "problem children" because rambunctious boys don't act like girls, nor have or will they ever because they aren't girls. Both sexes have disadvantages. I'm proposing we attend to both.

    No better way to refute a robust statistical trend than citing a single anecdote of the one time there was one person's cousin I knew that heard this one thing happened once. Very persuasive.

    Lots of police seem to think so, too. And female feminists are constantly trashing male feminists and "allies" for being predatory, scheming creepers.

    Who didn't know these sleazy fuckers were using a dysfunctional and abusive "casting couch" system? I've been aware of that since I was a child.

    Viewing women as similarly capable adults with agency is tantamount to "empty vessels for your pleasure?" Uh, yeah, makes lots of sense to draw that conclusion.

    You thinking video game characters were having their feelings hurt by wearing outfits you didn't approve of stood out a lot more. You haven't made many points that are even cogent much less ones I'd share.

    But that's quite the opposite of what feminists want. And seems to be the opposite of what you want as well given you want to treat people differently depending on demographic data and group membership.

    Strawman after strawman. No legitimate arguments here. I've never said any of these things. You're just making up nonsense as you go and thinking you'll hold me accountable to crap you just made up. Not happening.