Misogyny Hunter: Feminist World

Discussion in 'monkeyCage' started by Phisix, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. #41 monsly, Feb 4, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Try to take the time to read a post before foaming at the mouth with a quick and ill judged rebuttal. Citation needed referred to you accusing me of throwing constant tantrums about clothing. Not true. Convenient to avoid by playing dumb though.

    Sure, sounds like it:

    “Hmmm, bit disappointing to see the character design of Quiet. Shame such a big game has such a regressive character in it”

    “YOU CUCK! SJW! MY TITS! MY TITS! You don’t understand, she breathes through her skin! HER SKIN! HER SKIN COVERED TITS!!!”

    Yep, and if they don’t like it then they should STF because I only like free speech when it says what I want.

    Stop making me think! Debate is dangerous!

    Yet you say they are incapable, by their own actions, of achieving equality. Sure sounds like you think they’re capable!

    So you were using the term spaz in a positive way? Oh boy, think that’s a stretch. Watch out as you back up your hateful speech truck, looks pretty full up.

    You can say that, sure, but your words and actions show the opposite. Just admit you have hate issues with women and don’t like equality. Be more honest rather than this false narrative you’re trying to spin.

    I don’t know, maybe until you mean it? Try that.

    You fell into my trap like a bewildered and drunken old bear. You called me an SJW waaay back at the start of all these debates. Seems you don’t like being falsely labelled in a negative way and having your views dismissed out of hand. Still, at least you experienced what many WOMEN face every day.

    Men face their own issues? Hold the front page! Feminists should sort out all the male problems first IF they really wanted equality! Remember to make me a sandwich first, bitch.

    What a nonsense. As I said before, maybe men should take ownership if they feel they face inequality. I’m sure all us feminists will support you if you take a positive approach and need our help. Unlike you misogynists, who even moan when woman lives are saved by cancer. Good god.

    A simplistic stereotype there. Actually, there are all sorts of measures in education to help with this. I often work with male children who have struggled; it’s an issue acknowledged and work upon by countless education professionals including - GASP! - people who are feminists and - GASP! - women. Luckily they don’t show hatred toward males, like you do for women. If they did, they’d probably blame the boys for their difficulties and laugh at their struggles. Guess that’s the advantage of letting love
    NOT hate be your guide.

    Or, more accurately, a random, cherry picked selection from some screwball MRA site. The likes of which have to be glued together by irrational hatred and wrong-headed thinking to make any semblance of sense.

    Not sure of your point here. If you were a victim of the Hollywood system as a child then I’m obviously very sorry for you. Please message me if you want some links to support networks if that would help. If not that, then what do you mean? You knew it was happening but did nothing? That kind of inaction speaks volumes about your true feelings towards women.

    I want equality, as do all feminists. Not sure where your warped version of it exists, outside of your fevered woman hating psychosis.

    I think there’s a huge women hating subtext to your posts. Look at the image you chose to represent feminists. Turning to bodyshaming them, saying their value is in how they look rather than their minds. You use people with disabilities to mock another human being with feelings. You live a doctrine of hate and see enemies everywhere in this debate. You’d be better offf trying to make positive changes to yourself and the world rather than blame women for your ills.
  2. Shades of the good old days of the old PVC. Keep it up guys!
  3. I'm rooting for AKS. Monsly has become a complete mangina.
  4. It’s no surprise that the forum’s manliness man has an issue with equal rights and opportunities. You can’t stop the march of progress; I can hear the ladies coming now and I am with them. Put down that bloody steak, cheap beer and assault rifle and join us. The next stop? The White House! These pussies want to grab back!
  5. He did not commit sexual assault and they were right to call that website out for it. But he's also not innocent either. His actions go against the "brand" he uses to make millions and I think some backlash was justified.
  6. Bad, creepy, but consensual sex is not sexual assault. That being said, Aziz presents this nice guy male feminist image to the world. In reality, he's a creep and a hypocrite.
  7. 100 years women will rule the world!
  8. #49 AKS, Feb 6, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
    I haven't noticed anyone here but you bitching about this stuff, and I certainly don't recall anyone else whining about the feelings of fictitious characters.

    I hadn't said anything about the design prior to you started whinging about it, and if memory serves, you'd never even played that game. But you had to be the one telling other people all about how it should be.

    The characters Mystique and Dr. Manhattan don't wear any clothes at all. So what? That's how the creators designed the characters. Like it or don't. I don't care, but it's obnoxious to continuously bitch and moan about something that doesn't even interest you and you know nothing about.

    No one's stopping you from making yourself look like a castrated simp. Simp away.

    That's rich given you sound like you're practically reading off a feminist script. I'm not sure you could pass a Turing test at this point.

    Again and again with the simplistic strawmen. Your strategy boils down to continuously trying to reframe my positions into positions I've never stated or held. This is the same thing feminist ideologue "journalist" Cathy Newman tried when interviewing Jordan Peterson, and it was a catastrophic failure.

    So you're saying...

    Is the label "MRA" inherently negative? Being a mangina, I'm sure you see it that way, but it's the name of a type of activist. So is feminist. There are some equity feminists who make some very good points as well. MRAs happen to raise some good points regarding certain inequalities such as inequalities regarding divorce and family courts but I don't have interest in much of their ideas such as their obsession with circumcision. I didn't dismiss your views "out of hand" for group membership; rather, they're just bad ideas that have been debunked many times. You just strawman and claim "You're lying! You just hate all women!" regardless of what I say. You're trying to fit information to your preconceived notions instead of information informing conclusions. It's the same thing Cathy Newman did when she made a complete fool of herself in that interview. It was pathetic, and so are you.

    Those measures have failed miserably.

    That is most unfortunate.

    To the contrary, they usually essentially claim they're not functioning properly because they aren't enough like females. It has been disastrous for boys. Boys are rapidly falling behind and dropping out of higher education. Feminism has been a complete disaster for boys.

    The American Cancer Society? More identity politics over stats. What a surprise.

    At last we agree on something. You don't seem to grasp quite a few things.

    Hollywood is putting on a dog and pony show about how they are courageously saving the world when they're the perpetrators and have been for many decades. This isn't difficult to comprehend.

    The version in which problems of both men and women are addressed and people are treated fairly and justly. The opposite of identity politics cultists weighing what someone says by demographics and level of victimhood instead of the quality of their ideas and actions.

    Still struggling to differentiate "women" and "feminists," huh? I was sure I've addressed this already.
  9. #50 AKS, Feb 6, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    Their quarrels often devolve to this, but I've also seen them make some pretty impressive points. Here is an example that is pretty difficult to deny or refute:

    I'm not as concerned about group membership as the ideas and whether they are supported by statistics and research. If a blue haired multi-pierced screeching feminist has a good idea supported by data, it's still a good idea to me. You just don't see many of those presented these days.
  10. #51 monsly, Feb 7, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    So no citation of previous constant tantrums. Oh dear. Seems you were making a bad point but those gendered insults will cover it up. Another point lost.

    Why do I need to play a game to comment on the character design? What an idiot.

    Just because a creator designs something doesn’t make it above criticism. Pretty simple concept. If I did a comic called Why All Men Are Monsters then you would be welcome to criticise it. Nothing wrong with robust debate. I don’t know why you have such an issue but think it’s because you’re a rather sad individual at heart.

    Of course I have an interest in this. I like games. I would prefer if games had a better range of representation rather than be so backwards. If you were in charge of movies, we’d still have damsels in distress all the time, rather than just a lot of the time.

    What’s with the weird sexual undertones to your debate? If you don’t want to be classed as an oddball then I’d avoid musing over other men’s penises quite so much.

    Citation needed. You’ve acted all weird, backed away from pretty much every stance you’ve made and sound like you’ve crowdsource every response from some red pill forum for other lonely and hate filled men.

    That would be you doing that. You were the one using spaz as an insult. Backed away from that quick. You want to have a good look at yourself for using that and should apologise. What a big man, having a laugh at the people born with severe disabilities. I wonder why you’re such a hit with the ladies.

    I’ll address your other points later. I’ve got better things to do; FYI I am receiving an award today for success in English for my work with disadvantaged male children. Maybe you should give yourself an award; maybe for person who has eaten the most meals for one on PVC.
  11. Somethings just struck me that may be a way forward; are you quite high on the Autism spectrum? It never occurred to me before but reading this has gotten me thinking. You can PM if you prefer not to openly discuss. I think it may explain a few things and, if so, I think I may need to apologise for not realising sooner and change my approach with you. Right, better head off now.
  12. #53 AKS, Feb 7, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    I've never been particularly prone to manipulative shaming tactics. You're an amateur compared to patients with cluster B personality disorders I deal with regularly. Your tactics are pretty transparent to me and therefore have little effect. I haven't "backed away" from any of my actual positions, only the ones you've tried to conjure up from your imagination. You're not going to redefine any of my positions with the Newman strategy, which is a pretty pathetic technique and quite telling that you resort to manipulative tactics rather than put forth any data or studies. You must have a lot of support given you can never substantiate anything. You just feel it's true in your heart I'm sure. And you should run this little autism as an insult comment by your little feminist friends and see how well that goes. More of your projection actually using a disability as an insult after accusing me of doing this.
  13. Accuse? How was this not using disability as an insult?

    You’re a weasel who doesn’t like being held to account. Account for yourself here or I’ll assume you’re trolling.
  14. Spaz might be lost in translation:

  15. Thanks for clearing that up supersonic.
    • like like x 1
  16. Really amusing stuff. Keep it up guys. I especially enjoyed Monsly basically accusing AKS of being a sperglord.
  17. lol I don't want them to lose focus and get side tracked. There is so much stuff here I don't know and can't comprehend.

    true Scotsman
    Newman strategy
    monsly running a marathon
  18. I've taught graduate stats and research methods classes. I suppose I must have some sperglordian traits to have that on my CV.
  19. Someone will have to tell me what a spermlord is. I'm afraid to Google it.