True Scotsman - strategy used when arguing sometimes. Basically, if you were to claim someone was a great Catholic and then you found out they were evil, you could absolve the religion of blame by saying they weren’t a true Catholic anyway. AKS seems to think Hollywood rapists were feminist leaders and had made some sort of oddball connection there. Fuck knows how it makes sense. Called true Scotsman because it was about the Scottish at some point. MRA - men’s rights activists. Mainly white privileged males who think they’re the real victim in society. Tend to blame women for their problems. Talk about red pills a lot because they’re insane. See AKS moaning about women surviving cancer, demanding feminists solve men’s issues first and there is no pay gap as examples. Very good at posting charts, not so good at being human and understanding nuance. Equaltarisamalism - fuck knows, something about being equal I’d guess. Newman strategy - I had no fucking clue what this shit was so googled Newman strategy and MRA. No luck. Googled Newman strategy red pill. Bingo. Think she’s some woman who had a go at a MRA idol called doctor paedosen or something. Fuck knows but they seem to have yet another bee in their bonnets over her. Sperglord - an offensive slang term for someone with Asperger’s at a guess. Marathon - under 2hrs 56 minutes.
I'm going to throw in my two cents on the general topic of feminism: The problem with modern feminism is that the problems and goals revolve around the pursuit of biological equity. It is utopian. Men and women are not the same, we have different biological wants and needs and burdens, and trying to force equal outcomes is a never-ending quest towards failure. I am all for equal opportunities under the law. The problem is that equal outcomes require government intervention to dictate those outcomes. Take the gender wage gap. It adds up all wages for men and women and compares the grand total. Women as a group make less money than men. Its based on gender choices and behaviors, NOT based on inequity of payroll schemes. Yet, the gap has been treated as an intentional injustice, and it is forcing companies to pay women more than men to compensate for a fake problem. Another issue is government mandated birth control. Every woman should be free to make her own reproductive choices, BUT it should not be a subsidized endeavor by the state. This is another example of forced equity of outcomes, because the goal is the sexual liberation of women from their own biology by eliminating consequences that men do not need to concern themselves with regarding sexual activity and pregnancy. Another is hiring quotas. Forcing companies into positions where they must take gender into consideration is itself discrimination. But its okay because of feminism, right? Yet it ignores undesirable careers and fields, like garbage men, or plumbers. It also does NOT care about equality, because then there would be concern for the lack of men in nursing and teaching. Modern feminism only cares about an utopian idea that women deserve 50% of everything because they make up half the population, and that we must enforce that 50% equity by any means necessary, even if its an artificial enforcement. If women don't want to be rocket scientists, too bad because we have a quota to meet because of some bogus concept of unfairness. Modern feminism is also an intellectual movement, meaning it also intersects with marxism on a number of topics such as race and wealth, which means it is a politically motivated ideology, with a goal of using government to create an ideal society that will never exist and will just end up squandering the wealth, culture and productivity of the nations that succumb to it. Its pushed by politicians whom benefit from the power and authority mandated to them by the people pursuing equity through force. No thank you. In the modern western world, women share all the same rights under law as men, and these are just ideologies creating boogeymen to chase in order to secure political power. Feminism is not about equality. Its about equity, and equity requires use of force.
lol @ mens rights activist. I don't really follow feminism beyond FemFreqency trolling video game developers a few years ago. My take on it remains much the same, take action and vote with your wallet, because that is all that matters in America. Everyone is in it for the money not to make social progress. That said, as I get older, I'm more conscious of and embarrassed by games with ridiculous character design. That includes Quiet from MGS and some of the costumes in DOA. But if the game play is good, I'll still consider it, time permitting. I think fake news can also be a factor in how we perceive activism. The news does a poor job with information and great job with infotainment. I'm guessing the fringe of any group get more attention because they are better for ratings and it skews viewpoints towards the whole group. Easy access to birth control reduces abortion rates and keeps overall costs down by no having to take care of unwanted kids. It's an overall win for society even if it goes against small govt. .
One of the biggest problems I have with feminism is that they don't seem concerned at all with actual oppression of women where it exists in the world. In Muslim countries, women are basically slaves. They are property of men. In Saudi Arabia, women can't drive, vote, hold jobs. Forced female genital mutilation is a huge problem is some of these countries. Women can be forced to marry their rapists. Women are hidden away from society, forced to wear hijabs and other clothing to hide themselves. Husbands are not only allowed to beat their wives into submission, it is encouraged. Feminists in western countries don't seem to care about any of it, and some of them even outright ally themselves with Islam, the world's biggest oppressor of women. They are too busy chasing oppression in Western countries that exists mostly in their own minds like the mythical "wage gap" to fight actual oppression of women. This is seriously some of the dumbest shit ever if you know anything about Islam and care at all about Womens' rights. Third wave feminism is a very dumb movement. It hates men, seems unconcerned with actual oppression of millions of women in the Muslim world, and would rather chase after fantasy oppression that mostly doesn't exist in western countries and hasn't for about 50 years. It seems that feminism in the west isn't about equality and hasn't been for a long time. It has become a supremacy movement that's primarily about punishing and subjugating men, and putting women in a position of superiority, all while claiming to be about equality.
What do they need to do first? I’m so confused. AKS wants them to sort out his prostate and now you want them to liberate the Middle East.
Actual patriarchy and extreme oppression of women exists in the middle east. And yet feminists like you never talk about it because that would be "racist" and not PC. If Feminism weren't such a joke movement, it would be involved in leading democratic revolutions in these countries to bring about gender equality and end Islam. But it's much easier to die your hair blue and screech about an imaginary wage gap and microaggressions and how some frat boy raped you just by looking at you than it is to lead an actual revolution.
Hang on, my MRA alarm is going off. How do you know no feminists are involved in those issues? Are you? What is the relevance? Here’s a newsflash; you can deal with multiple issues at once! Wow!
@ supersonic I agree with all of that. My understand is that feminists goals and beliefs vary a lot but it's the extremist that get all the attention and the bad reputation.
Not only are they not involved, they've allied themselves with Islam. Case in point: the womens' march. The organizers were a bunch of Islamists. This makes about as much sense as Jews allying themselves with Nazis. Even now you're trying to avoid the issue rather than talk about it. Islam is the worst opressor of women in the world. Why aren't you talking about it or fighting it? How can you claim to be a feminist and not want to fight the biggest enemy of women in the world? How can you look at the way ISIS treats women and not get pissed off? And ISIS is not some aberration. These are devout Muslims doing exactly what Muhammed and the Koran taught them to do to women.
Oh shit, now all forms of Islam are the same too! I didn’t realise all Muslim and feminists are evil extremists. No wonder you guys love your guns. Keep them close, especially if you feel very depressed. Can never be too careful. I tell you what, talking in such broad strokes and using massive stereotypes is very insightful indeed. And, conveniently, these imagined enemies can be exactly what you want! I’m certainly convinced!
You just proved my point. Feminists don't care about the actual oppression of women. Women are treated like property or slaves in Muslim countries, and you apparently don't care. You just dance around the issue and make stupid jokes. Your movement is a crock of shit.
@supersonic I think I’d going along with a lot of that. The main difference I think is that being active in trying to enact change is very important on issues you care about. Using your wallet obviously makes a difference but other actions can really affect things.
How did you come to that conclusion? It’s very interesting. What do you do to effect change yourself? I mean, you’re bitching about these feminists not fighting ISIS or something but what are you doing? And what do your Muslim friends make of your stance? Have you tried to convert them to your brand of Americanism?
So there you have it. Third wave feminism is about shitting on men and getting special treatment for women in western countries. It has precisely nothing to do with fighting actual oppression of women or gender equality under the law. Look at monsly here. Women are actual slaves in some countries forced to have their clits cut off. The response from him? Crickets.
I've never claimed to be a feminist. Feminists would have my respect if they packed up, went to the middle east, armed themselves and started killing Islamists and liberating women.
Actions demonstrate where feminist interests actually are. And for all the calls for citations and evidence you have demanded, you have curiously yet to provide much of your own. Spin, insults, strawmen, occasional personal anecdotes...but not much regarding data, stats, or studies.
I do apologise for offending you with the autism comment. There is honestly less of a taboo about it here, much like the spaz thing you used. Anyhow, I shall make sure I tailor my responses accordingly and I’m sincerely sorry for any hurt I caused. I think you need to consider not everyone has the same outlook as you. People can be complicated creatures and emotions, as confusing as they can be, can also play a valid part in debates and discussions. I do understand looking at the world through statistics and graphs can seem to be the truth but quantitative and qualitative are both important. It sounds like you must be good at this if you taught research methods so you should be proud of those skills. I think there’s plenty we could all do to change the world for the better. Placing demands and assumptions about agendas for groups as large as feminists seems like a pointless exercise. They are a broad church. Not perfect, some worse than others but so is every large group. I think taking a more civil and patient tone helps with these matters and being aware we are both people with emotions will help this go forward more positively.
I think there are some moderate feminists and men's rights advocates who bring up good points. But their voices are drowned out by the insane man and woman hating extremism that permeates both movements. I don't think extremist supremacy movements will ever lead to equality or anything positive really. I believe men and women should have equal rights under the law. It's why I could never be part of something like feminism or MRA.