If feminists had any good ideas I would acknowledge them. The problem is they really don't. You have some misguided moderate feminists who think the movement is about equality. But those people don't understand what they joined.
I thought if a large group had extremists in that made the whole group’s stance invalid, because you can only judge them by their extremes? But I guess that’s only if it’s a group you dislike for some reason? Gotcha. Oh, hang on. Now it’s your definition of feminism defining the whole movement that matters rather than the one that is pretty much agreed by everyone. Stupid fake news strikes again! We’re in the no-spin zone!
The quotes I posted weren't from extremists though. They were from founders of the feminist movement. I love how you just completely ignored one of the founders of your nutty movement saying unironically that men should be put in Zoos and checked out like library books. I'll dismiss a movement if it's total garbage. Feminism and Islam fall into that category. Both have almost no redeeming qualities. Red Pill has some insightful ideas overshadowed by misogyny.
I bet I’d struggle to find nuts on the male side to quote. Why don’t you find them? After all, you’re not for either side!
Is the category things you don’t really understand and are happy to define by their extremes whilst ignoring blatant hypocrisy?
It has been well established in the Islam thread that moderate Islam in Islamic countries isn't moderate, the Koran is a hateful book of bullshit, and Muhammed was a murderous barbarian pedophile. There is nothing redeeming about Islam. ISIS aren't extremists. They are devout Muslims following the teachings of Islam. A large part of the world is stuck under this backwards and oppressive system. Some people escape to the west and abandon the really hateful and nasty parts of the religion. The problem is Islam doesn't even have good stuff about love and forgiveness like Christianity. It's just nasty and hateful to its core. Just like those quotes on the previous page weren't extremists. Those are the founders of feminism. Your movement is built on man hating. It's why so few women identify as feminists. Even most women think feminism is hateful bullshit.
By who? You? I bet it was well balanced and neutral, just like here. Interesting how you’ve transitioned from your usual ‘both sides are bad, mmmmmkay’ to a more honest position in this debate. Edit: shit son, decide what you’re posting before posting. What an edit!
Seeing as the only one I checked wasn’t, you’ll forgive me for being cynical. Anyhow, don’t forget to post up those crazy MRA quotes next. Oh shit, you’ve admitted you’re not neutral in this now. I lose track, your position moves so fast.
So you are saying women can't be responsible without us feeding them free birth control? MISOGYNY! "Easy access to birth control" is a political term for subsidized birth control. Lots of things are easier when we give them away for free using tax dollars, but it doesn't make it ethical nor efficient in the long run. I don't see why I need to handle the bill for someone else's having a carefree sex life on the threat that they may not be able to handle the consequences. That's just political bullshit to get votes. If easy access to birth control was really the goal, then explain to me why the FDA keeps blocking successful male contraceptives? Because its not about the birth control nor unwanted pregancies. Its about using women's sexuality as a carrot on a stick for political gain. "Vote for me, ladies, I'll give you free birth control so you can control your own bodies. Don't pay any attention to the fact that I will also that authority bomb third world countries while ruining the domestic economy. Just worry about getting all that dick worry-free." - the modern politician who promotes "women's rights." Women already have all the same rights as men. This is about exchanging privileges for political capital.
Because life's not fair... and the libertarian utopia will never be. irresponsible people will be irresponsible. Your options are to subsidize unwanted kids as wards of the state or pay significantly less to subsidize birth control. Those are the only choices here.
If "life is not fair" is a justification, then doesn't that remove all credibility of a feminist movement in the first place? Aren't they wasting their time?
It's not a justification, just explanation of reality. I don't know much about goalposts in feminism, but I'll venture a guess that they aren't whooshing by at breakneck speed. It takes decades or centuries to get to "fair". Whether it's a waste of time is an individual choice.
Because when they can't handle the consequences society is the one that picks up the bill. Birth control is cheaper.
Women definitely get bitchy and hysterical when they haven't had a good dicking in awhile. I'm convinced that most of the man haters (feminists, lesbians, etc) could be converted to valuable and productive members of society if they just got a good dicking.
No response to the above post from Monsly? I wonder if I triggered him so badly he had to be put into a medically induced coma
Your general tone has been quite biracialphobic and transpregantphobic. I was severely triggered by it. I'm literally shaking right now just typing this.