Most Overrated Classic Game

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. I'm afraid your excuse is unacceptable. A Nintendo agent will collect your Wii shortly.

    I don't think we saw the same sort of pattern over here, regards PC VS console. PC seem to really take off late 90s really - the Amiga kept it's hold of the computer market for a lot of the early 90s.
  2. So our resident mac fanboy used to be a PC fanboy?
  3. A Link to the Past was the best Zelda every made. FACT.
    Half-Life was/is greatness.
    Final Fantasy VII was a great game, if you played it at the right age.

    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas/4
    Gran Turismo 4
    Modern Warfare 2
    Halo 1/2/3
    Killzone 2
  4. I've never got the love for San Andreas; The console versions really showed their age at the time so that didn't help. It also seemed to have a focus on quantity over quality which I didn't really like. Much prefered VC myself.

    As for Killzone 2, do you think that's overrated? I thought it's reputation was that of a good but not exceptional game which always seemed fair enough to me.
  5. Bioshock
  6. Quake? What's your reasoning, Kobain Jnr? You hopped up on goofballs again?
  7. It's an overrated dumb FPS. That is all.
  8. DOS, Windows 3.0 (which was really still just DOS for most games), Windows 95, Windows 98...have to say that the primary interest was for gaming use. Then I switched over to using Macs for non-gaming and consoles for gaming around 1999 or so.

    I remember making alot of boot disks back in the 386/486 days to try and squeeze better performance out of certain DOS games.
  9. The original quake? That's crazy talk. That game was breakthrough material. I remember downloading quakworld and having my brains exploded.
  10. Your reasoning disappoints me but, as I'm no great fan of the series, I'll let you off with a disapproving look and some quiet muttering.
  11. When you jump off of a cliff, sometimes it can seem like you're flying rather than falling for a short period of time...
  12. Wow. That just gave me an unpleasant flash back.
  13. Now really, how did FF give us the likes of the Elder Scrolls series or the fallout series (Ok, maybe a bit with the fallout as they were originally Turn-based)? They are what I consider good RPGs; FF may have helped JRPGs but it certianly didn't help western RPGs, the ones I actually enjoy.

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  14. Nope, it named myself that after that obscure armitage character in Fallout 3 during that quest that was based of Blade Runner. Jeeze if we had an overrated movie section I'd say Blade Runner for sure, it was shit, made shitter by being forced to study it for high school english classes.
  15. Huh, what you exactly mean with that? Any experiences?
  16. Some of the greatest games of all time on any platform came out on the PC in the late 90s/2000, like Half-Life, Starcraft, Total Annihilation, System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and Freespace 2.

    The PC achieved perfection in the late 90s, and from there it could only go down. Even today, nothing can touch the PC games from that time period. It was the golden age of gaming.
  17. I'd say games like Dawn of War are up there with them.
  18. I never said anything about side quests, but there was more than what you stated. You also forgot to mention about the epic story of Final Fantasy VII. That is also given props for the first truly epic and long story of it's kind.

    OOT is and still has the most epic story of all the Zelda's thus far. I don't see how you think he is Emo when he is a child trapped in an adults body. The story was more epic than LTTP, I am not saying LTTP is shite as it is my second favorite Zelda just after OOT.

    And it is not a pony, it is a stallion when you are adult link. Maybe you are jealous since you had to run around with you poxy magic boots in LTTP.

    OOT may start slow, but it ends with one of the best epic boss battles I have witnessed. Even more epic than the battle with Gannon in his golden pyramid.
  19. You take the words outta my mouth...
    Am still believing those times will come back.... big hopes
  20. I never really got into Deus Ex on pc. Didn't see what all the fuss was about.