I thought original was worthy of its classic status. Was a fantastic game in it's time and certain levels like The Silent Cartographer were pretty much perfect. I get a little twitchy when the real hardcore fans claim it's miles better than anything else though. It's certainly worthy of a place with the very top FPS games but it's not a class apart.
After this thread came up and seeing as I was bored last night as a certain person around here is a complete scumbag I decided to try playing OoT again. I didn't even make it into the Deku Tree before I got bored, to be honest I don't think the classic controller helps, its not very good for N64 games.. Once I had got bored with that I moved on to aLttP and found I had a save file right at the beginning of the dark world (the first few dungeons I have done so many times that I thought it best to continue rather than start again). I got through the Dark Palace with ease and moved on to the Swamp Palace to get the hookshot before I looked for more treasure (I like to get things early, I had the ice rod before I even beat the third light world dungeon). About 5 minutes into the dungeon I realised that I was once again bored and so saved and turned it off, might pick it up again in another 6 months or so... To sum up, couldn't play either game for too long without getting bored, maybe I have played them to death? Maybe they are just not as good as I remember?
Seems your experiences show LttP to be better. Yet more damning evidence against OoT. I've been through LttP a few times again over the years. I always enjoy it. It's such a perfectly designed game. I've tried giving OoT a chance a fee times but it's such a dull game at the start.
I think playing on the classic controller really hurts OoT, it suited the N64 controller perfectly. I would give it a go on the much more comfortable GC controller but the leads are so damn short that I would have to sit on the floor or move my sofa, I might experiment later and see if it makes the game more fun. LttP has its flaws, sometimes I feel enemies do too much damage to Link and you can loose a lot of life very quickly. The Classic controller is better with this one but does become uncomfortable after a while, its a bad controller all round really.