New Laptop (again)

Discussion in 'Technology' started by monsly, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. I'm still an Intel curmudgeon especially for casual use . I see NO
  2. Sorry dropped my tablet and touched reply lol

    So to continue.... I assume you want to play a few games on this? Get an amd Trinity or kaveri based laptop for dirt cheap. I won't say Intel's aren't better but imo buying a cheap Intel laptop (or desktop) is just a bad idea.

    If however you can care less on how well it games (and I mean can care less as in you can't even play battlefeild 3 on the thing) than get the budget Intel. But if you're like me your using it to bring you're steam backlog to your friends to show it off! Lol if that's all you want it for than get an amd.
  3. My cousin wants a cheap laptop so they've asked me but I obviously know fuck all. It's for her young son (he's 8 I think) so nothing fancy, just homework. Needs tone cheap; like £200 absolute max, around £150 is better. Any ideas? Would this sort of laptop be any good for homework and such? I'll post some example ones she has found in a bit.
  4. Some ASUS thing for £150:,store:17381858833380742920,lsfqd:0&prds=oid:17946747511678542437&q=laptop&hl=en-gb&ei=rtYOVqjiOuPkyAO0irOIDA&lsft=gclid:CJSMv9--pMgCFSGe2wod4tsKdQ
  5. Aaaand a lenovoa for £150:
  6. At that price your probably looking at a Chromebook or maybe something used.
  7. Finally, an hp stream 11:
  8. With a 32GB SSD this is basically Internet only machine. Any programs he wants to run will have to be from the "cloud". That is of course the same as a Chromebook but this does have Windows so maybe it's better.
  9. Yeah. Only about 16-22GB will be free to use.

    At that price I don't think there is really a slick deal to be had. What you save up front you'll pay later in the form of cloud storage and space upgrades.
  10. I need something easy to use so I'm guessing windows is better. Out of those examples, any better choice or should she look at something else? Main use is homework so basic word processing - these things run normal Word or will it be something weird? Cheers for the advice btw.
  11. Well if he need to keep it cheap he can use Google Docs. These days there is a cloud app for most everything. I was using last night to edit photos. It wasn't too bad. Most music can be kept online now. Videos stream. Images are the only thing that can cost money if he has a lot.
  12. Bloody Nora, 8 year olds needing laptops for homework. What a world we live in
  13. Off-lease Thinkpads and Latitudes are usually going to be that best thing at that low of a price. A business laptop that was high-end a few years ago is going to be better than current low-end junk. They can often be had for around $150 to $200. Throw a Samsung EVO SSD in it for $100 and you're golden.
  14. Is a SSD worth it for an 8 year old?
  15. SSDs are worth it for anyone. Kids or grandmas even. I don't consider a PC without an SSD to really be usable in 2015. They're just too slow.

    A big part of why the uneducated average Joe thinks Macs are so much faster and better than PCs: every computer Apple makes comes with an SSD. It's such a night and day difference that even the most casual user will notice it. An SSD is the single biggest upgrade you can make to any PC. SSDs are not exotic luxury hardware in 2015. They are essential.

    I've tried using computers with mechanical hard drives recently and I want to bang my head on the wall at the damn slowness of them.
  16. But the really important question here is: Z5 or 6P?
  17. This. There's so many laptops out there without SSD's and it's sad. Especially larger models (15"+). Unfortunately they also over charge for the inclusion of them in most cases.

    PC's with mechanical HDD's need to be outlawed before everyone connects that kind of experience with windows and never buys a windows device again.
  18. Cyanogenmod is shit these days
  19. They dumped CM for in house OxygenOS. Basically stock android + swift key + custom icon set + custom camera.

    Cannot go wrong if you like AOSP. My carrier won't support this phone though or I'd give it a shot for a few months.