Will US companies like Amazon, Dell, HP do Black Friday deals in the UK? If so, it's going to be worth it to wait a few weeks. Dell Black Friday deals are pretty slick, you just have to stay up all night until it starts.
Saving money is always worth it... just ask Grim. Also, a .edu email used to be good for a free student edition of Office... but I know they've switched to a cloud based subscription service now. Ask around at your school or email MS for their latest student deal. Plug in your school and email and see if they participate: http://onthehub.com/
Yeah black Friday has become a thing in the UK for the psst few years, last year was the biggest yet with loads of companies joining in.
Have you guys imported people getting trampled, beaten up, and arrested, all so they can get a $99 off brand TV that will break in month? Because Black Friday in the US also has that bread and circuses aspect to it, where it's basically designed to appease the unwashed masses for another year with super cheap junk so they don't rise up and kill all of the rich people.
To be honest it is mostly done by online stores, the physical shops don't really seem to get involved.
Didn't all of England riot for months for no reason, a couple of years ago? I'm not sure Black Friday Type chaos would phase them in the slightest.