Next Nintendo Console confirmed: Will be announced at E3(Updated)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. Sounds like something amazing will be coming from the sounds of you. The good news that I have heard is that Nintendo have been showing the hardware or whatever to developers so they can get a taste for it. This hopefully will mean they can get to grips with the system early so we can get some decent games out for the launch and beyond.

  2. Launch games have been in development for several months..

    Nintendo have not been showing this to everyone; I am under the impression that licensing at the moment is very exclusive and very expensive. Strictly invite only. Showvases have been at the offices of selected developers and not at developer confs or shows to maintain secrecy.

    As far as I'm aware no controller designs are final. Nintendo are super secretive about controllers so I expect that, at E3, they'll not show it. Although N64 was well before my time
    in the industry I work with a lot of people who were on board in the early days and they made people put the controller inside a box when they were using it to stop people from seeing it and spilling the beans. If I were to hazard a guess I think the controller won't be shown until Tokyo Gameshow.

    Although I am only going on Nintendo's record on that last part.
  3. I guess this time Nintendo are taking this even more serious than usual. Especially as the Wii did not do as much as they thought it would.

    Interesting though. With a few great launch titles, the new console would sale very well.

    Then that means we should be seeing some game and graphics showcasing. Awesome. I am now even more excited for E3 this year.
  4. Didn't the Wii dominate the market somehow? Wasn't it constantly outselling the competition even though the competition was far better in every way?
  5. It did indeed, but it still was not as amazing as it should have been. It has fizzled out over the years and the Wii hardly had a conveyor belt of great and epic titles coming through all the time like the PS3 and Xbox 360. The big and decent games only came out once in a while.
  6. To be honest its about time someone showed us something new if only to get the arguments started on this board again. It seems like too long between new consoles being shown off these days and when specs start getting thrown about it does do this place (or the old place) good.

    I look forward to E3 to see what this is and what it can do.
  7. For the past decade, the least technically impressive console has dominated. Nintendo would be best off just overclocking Flipper again if they were smart. If they actually do make something with potential that actually does decent in the graphics department, though, they may get my attention back.