Nintendo 3DS Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ali_f, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Damn now that is going to be cool and I bet there will be other NPC's flying for air battles with flying Pokemon(There was air battles in X and Y too).

    This is how shit hot the upcoming 3DS games are that I want:

    > Pokemon Ruby Remake
    > Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
    > Persona Q
    > bravely Second

    Those four alone will keep me going for yonks. Then again with Ruby, I never did Sapphire back in the day but maybe I should...but Ruby is better I hear..
  2. Whenever they do these remakes, I always try to get the opposite of the one I originally had. But Ruby is definitely the better of the two originals, so I'll probably get that one again.
  3. Eff that beep. Diablos and monoblos are the beepest monsters in the game.
  4. Not anymore now they have new move sets. I found the Diablos in 3U more fun than the generation 1 version. That said, I would have preferred different monsters instead.

    What do you think about that new monster I showed in the page back?
  5. Diablos is a pain in the butt. The enrages and speed just make him annoying to fight.

    Dunno about the new one, hope it has decent armour
  6. Most flagships have great armour and weapons. Wondering how oil weapons would work.

    Diablos is easy mode. I can even do him easy enough with a LS. LS, Bow or GS is enough to take him down. Black Diablos is more annoying tbh.
  7. Yeah, I meant black diablos.

    Brachy's armour was pretty poor for me, I'm still using silver rath. Using the brachy weapon though
  8. I still have the gold caedus armour set. Not needed to get one yet although I am working on the Dire Mirellis one. Not played 3U for a while though. Keep getting burnt out.
  9. Yeah, that's why I tend to only play in groups now
  10. Just putting this out there.

  11. Yeah that is pretty sweet as well as all the other extra stuff like that which is in there. My Felyne will be having the new Final Fantasy costume when this game is out. That or the Mega Man one.



    The Felyne costume looks like the main characters from Final Fantasy 1.

    The amount of content being added to this game if going to make Unite and 3 Ultimate look like a first gen time game.

    Btw, you might as well edit the title thread and change it to the official 3DS thread or something.
  12. OH HELL YES! Guess who is finally back to join his two brothers!!!

    His intro. Only monster besides rare elder from MHP3 that I have not had the chance to fight since I never managed to unlock him in Unite.
  13. So this came today.

    Boots faster than the original and the head tracking 3d works well.

    The nub is rubbery and pretty responsive. The extra nub and buttons map to the same ones on the circle pad pro in monster hunter.

  14. Is that an imported one or is it out here now finally? Sure we wernt supposed to get it until next year.

    Also, I forgot to post that Majora's Mask is coming to the 3DS like the OOT remake. Quality game!
  15. Oh yeah, bought it in Game. It was an early bird special
  16. How much was it and does GAME do 3DS for new 3DS swaps + cash yet?
  17. It cost £money Dunno about trades but they have a special place in the back for your "data transfer"
  18. Guess what is getting a port to the 3DS!!! Dragonquest VIII

    Still no sign of a Europe release of DQVII 3DS though. :(
  19. Don't think I ever finished it on the ps2
  20. Then this will be a good time as any, plus thew new character and whatever else they add to it.