Nintendo 3DS Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ali_f, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I may go for Metroid Fusion first, shame Zero Mission isn't included but both GBA games are pretty solid and worth playing.

    Minish Cap was a bit of a let down for me when it came out but its been a few years since I have played it so probably worth a go.
  2. Just downloaded Pushmo (Pullblox) from the 3DS eshop. Great puzzle, it got 9.5 from IGN and well deserves it. I got stuck at level 28 (29?) and while first 15 are a piece of cake, the last few levels were just twisted.
  3. Well I have already finished Metroid Fusion and have now started on Mario World 2. The controls would have been better if they used Y and B as I find X and A a bit unconfortable but not as bad as B and A would be so its a bit better than it was with the NES games.
  4. I got to level 70 in Pullblox. The game rocks. There's a builtin level editor which makes it possible to share levels online. People have already started to create their own levels. The game saves levels on the SD card as images (QR codes) and it lets you scan images to import them as levels.

    For example:


    I also play Metroid Fusion. Just have beaten the boss in the water world (AQA).
  5. Deciding to maybe buy a new 3DS XL. Theres a few decent games for it now. Anyone still play theirs?
  6. Nope. 3D did my eyes in and there wasn't much for me gamewise around launch; there's been better stuff since but I've not gone out of my way to get anything for it.
  7. Well the Xl in 3D probably wont make your eyes hurt now the screen is massive. Dunno if I am willing to pay full price for it at the moment though, especially as Monster Hunter 3G still has no UK release date.

    The games that interest me at the moment are:

    Zelda OOT of course
    Mario 3D land
    New Super Mario Brothers 2
    Paper Mario
    Resident Evil
    Kingdom Hearts: Dream drop instance
    Tales of the Abyss

    No clue what else apart from Monster Hunter 3G and 4 but theres no release date for them as of yet.
  8. I found the 3D pretty good but the console lacked games. Got Mario, Zelda, Mari Kart and Rayman.

    To be honest the game I played most was Metroid Fusion.
  9. Theres a bundle at Gamestation that comes with a 3DS with one of three colours and the new Kingdom Hearts game. That and Tales of Abyss would do me.
  10. I just saw an old 7 inch (that's what I'd estimate it to be) Asus eBook (might have the name wrong, the very first netbook) on someone's counter and just sittin there I almost expected to see a 3DS XL logo on it... funny how things come up full circle.
  11. In what way?
  12. in every way :) with a nice 3 dimensional bezzel
  13. I finally got around to picking up a 3DS XL today. It's massive. Think it is bigger than my PSP. The screen is in any case. The 3D is cool but it gets some getting used to.

    Now to scour Ebay for some cheap 3DS games like Zelda. What are those AR cards about?
  14. The AR cards I think are used for augmented reality games, where the card serves as either a marker or a reference point for spawning monsters and shizz
  15. You can make mario appear in your 3DS photos. The novelty of that alone will keep you entertained for several minutes.
  16. The 3DS XL is really nice. The graphics of games are actually really good now. The only problems I have is the analogue stick is too slippy and the Dpad under is hard to use when in conjunction with the analogue and you cannot control the stick and move your hand down for the Dpad at the same time.

    I am scouting for more games but they are rather expensive still.
  17. Just won some auctions off ebay for Super Mario 3D Land and Ocarina of time, saving from the RRP prices still bounded about.

    Trying to win Tales of the abyss tomorrow too and those three as well as Kingdom hearts Dream Drop distance will sort me out until xmas. Lovely jubbly.
  18. My only complaint with Mario was that the levels were a little short so you may finish that quickly. OOT is a good length as you know but the improved frame rate makes it feel a lot faster.
  19. Zelda came today and it looks beautiful compared to the original. It is slightly faster but it feels right. The new control system took a little getting used to be I am used to it now.

    3D looks epic for this game too. Much better than standard, but it cains your eyes after a while. The music and everything is exactly as the N64 version.

    It has master quest too doesnt it?
  20. I don't find the 3D an issue at all but then I play without my glasses, it may do if I wore them and brought the world into focus.

    No idea on the master quest, can't remember.