Being the first Nintendo handheld with modern innards and a screen is a good enough deal by its own. The price is just too much though, will wait for the first price drop but I will definitely be there for the year two.
Nothing confirmed, but it sounds like Nintendo is at least considering Gamecube games on the Switch VC.
Looks like Dragon Quest Heroes exceeds the size of the cartridge (25GB) and will need partial disk space just to function. The rest of the games are optional digital download only: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 7 GB Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together: 1.6 GB Disgaea: 5: 5.92 GB Puyo Puyo Tetris: 1.09 GB I Am Setsuna: 1.4 GB Nobunaga's Ambition: 5 GB The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: 13.4 GB Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2: 32 GB
That makes too much sense, #fakeNews strikes again! A new Nintendo Accounts went live. Not sure how it differs from Mii Nintendo, but I grabbed my username.
I've seen some people demoing the interface on Youtube. The OS seems to be run much faster than what I would normally expect from Nintendo. That is a huge plus. It does not have the typical Nintendo cartoony bloatware feel to it, based on the videos. However there are a ton of unanswered questions because the test units do not have the day one update until nest month. Still no mention of how the accounts will work, how they will handle digital content, nor how their online system is setup. As novel as the system seems, until I see the entire Switch environment in action, I wouldn't go anywhere near it for the money they are asking.
Has anyone priced those 256gb microSD cards? I have! The good news is: I noticed that my 3DS purchases are showing up on my new Nintendo account history. It looks like system transfers may be a thing of the past! Yay!
Friend codes confirmed. Huge negative. Nintendo is claiming more friending options post launch. Even still, fucking friend codes.
been hopping unboxing and live play thrus. It's 4:30am work is gonna suck today. here's Unbox therapy.. fucking lol @ cow milking mini game (5:45)... gg nintendo
Overall reviews indicate the hardware is well made and the switch between modes works pretty flawlessly. Many people are saying... the joy con grips are good controllers themselves. The fear of needing a $70 pro controller seems to have been overblown. Still a dick move not to include the chargeable grip controllers in the box though. There seems to be a lot of personal preference on what setup they like. Some like docked with grip controller, others handheld mode, yet other prefer open air Wii controls. *YT reviewers.
The one review I read said the controller was awkward and loose. (Insert yo moma joke). Also, Breath of the Wild is choppy on the TV but smooth on the portable screen. OG said the same. That seems odd because the dock is supposed to be more powerful.
Digital foundry say it is data not streaming in and of memory fast enough and was apparent in the Wii U version. Maybe at 720p on handheld there isn't the bottleneck. I suspect Nintendo will patch it eventually, the game isnt really don't any more on Switch than Wii U, it's a straight port in a lot of ways. Perhaps Nintendo didn't optimise well.
I'm very curious to see if Nintendo has any plans for a "Dock Pro", with hardware that scales the games above 900p. I think if the hardware is moderately successful with the enthusiast crowd, we could see an actual enhancing dock within two years. The flexibility of having a dockable system could be a huge advantage if the Switch survives its initial year with solid, steady sales.
Nintendo is launching another DS for $150.
I have a switch being delivered on Monday for my daughters birthday in a couple of weeks. Apart From Zelda and Mario Kart anything else worth getting for a 9 year old? Is it worth paying all that money for the pro controller?
Bomberman? I know that Splatoon 2 is out soon as well. For the pro it depends on if your kid prefers using a control or using it as a handheld? I'm sure you will play that Zelda as well.
She prefers using keyboard and mouse but that's not an option on switch. I'll start with just the joycons and see how she gets on. Depends as it is going in her bedroom so won't get much chance to use it.
I thought Splatoon was pretty brilliant. It's a multiplayer shooter but without any real violence and it's done in a way that doesn't seem nerfed. It's complex enough to keep me interested yet my 7 year old can beat me most everytime.
At the moment my daughter only uses the switch has a handheld. She doesn't ever use the dock, modern kids don't like to be tied down I guess? 9 year old don't have time to be sat in front of a screen, they want to be on the move. She currently has Mario Kart, lego cities and minecraft. She is after Splatoon 2 next month. She really likes it so I don't regret the purchase at all, especially as it means she isn't always after the PS4 for minecraft.