Osama bin Laden: Dead

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by bfun, May 1, 2011.

  1. Personally, I can't wait to see what kind of over-the-top "The Hunt for Bin Laden" action movie Hollywood comes up with!!
  2. [​IMG]

    More "Fair and Balanced" coverage from Fox affiliate about "Obama" bin Laden. Honest mistake. It's not like they constantly bombard their viewers with subtle, misleading, and systematic inaccuracies daily.

    One of those idiots actually said President Obama was dead before correcting the mistake. I guess they view them pretty similarly and struggle to disguise it.
  3. I do find it amusing that there was an illegal immigrant living in a mansion in pakistan and staying in all day never working. It's just what the pakistani people do in Britain.
  4. I find it amazing that after 10 years, trillions of dollars spent, thousands of soldiers dead and the development and use of state of the art technology. The US finally found Bin Laden.......

    .......In his house
  5. W. Bush is on record in March, 2002 saying that he didn't spend much time on trying to locate Bin Laden. The real effort to actually track him down and kill him was done in the last two years. The GOP nominee for president in 2008, John McCain, even attacked Obama for suggesting that he would go into Pakistan to "kill Bin Laden", claiming that it was naive and shouldn't be done.

    Now the GOP is scrambling to try and take credit for something that they constantly said wasn't important.
  6. Bush had a very different strategy and focus:

  7. Looking into US politics from over here in the UK I always thought that Bin Laden was of more use alive and free than dead to the Bush Administration.

    He was the bogey man that they could bring out when needed to put a little fear back into the population when they started questioning policy; "remember, this guy is still out there". The truth is, as has been reported countless times since they killed this guy, Bin Laden wasn't even the brains behind the outfit; he was just the face. The supposed No.2 guy is the one they really need to get but even then I think they'll never get rid of Islamic Fundamentalism even if they do kill him. There are just too many people who've took inspiration from these two which has been compounded by our respective governments mishandling of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; we gave these guys the ammo and propaganda they needed...

    Overall I think killing Bin Laden is great payback but of little to no value to any war on terror
  8. I thought your racist political party were going to ship them out of the country... did something go wrong?
  9. I think the only way they will go and this applies to all sponging immigrants is when they're own country becomes more stable and economically powerful then they will return and try get a piece of that. I know it does sound bad and racist but it's true, in Bradford they're are thousands of pakistanis who have no intention of learning English or getting a job but they do have they're hand out.
  10. Graffer....man take that shit somewhere else.
  11. I agree that the GOP frequently used terrorism as a political/control device, but I disagree about Bin Laden specifically. They didn't need him as a bogeyman when they could just scream "AL QAEDA!" all the time. That's basically what they did to justify the invasion of Iraq. I think they were afraid of botching another capture/kill opportunity like Tora Bora and decided that it was politically safer to just pretend he didn't really matter anymore.

    The fact that Bush era politicos are now coming out of the woodwork to try and claim credit for Bin Laden's demise is the giveaway. They wanted him. They just took the easy way out and are lamely trying to save face again.
  12. Yeah I agree that Al Qaeda was equally as familiar to the public but I think that it's human nature to anthropomorphize an entity such as Al Qaeda; in this case Bin Laden and the organisation were one and the same to a great many people.

    I think if they'd managed to get Bin Laden in say 2001 or 2002 there would have been zero public tolerance for an invasion of Iraq or any other action since, for a lot of Americans and British people, killing him would be the same as killing the organisation. I'm not suggesting people are stupid but this is the day and age where the most watched news come from distorted sources and the biggest things on TV is crap like Britain/America's Got Talent and other reality crap; actually, scrap that, I am suggesting most people are stupid.

    In the end, I think it suited our governments just fine to keep Bin Laden out there to be the face of Al Qaeda
  13. I don't care how gruesome his assasination is, we MUST be able to have access to view those photos to confirm his death. There are too many fakes being used in some dodgy news channels.
  14. I don't want to see his ugly mug.
  15. Just show the fucking photos so the conspiracy nuts shut the fuck up about it not really happening.
  16. I think they did the right thing by killing him and throwing his body in the ocean. Doing anything else would have made him a martyr.
  17. The Janitor may be strange but he fucking knows what he's on about!

  18. Whoa touchy, it's 100% true so why can't I say it.

    It's funny how a white person can say something bad about another white person and it's fine but if a white person says something bad about a person of a different colour it's racism. That's bullshit, racism is when you insult somebody because of their race, stating a fact is still stating a fact regardless of race.
  19. You didn't state any truth or facts, you just stated some dodgy opinions of yours in the post Arande references. I don't understand what point you're making in that second paragraph above, seems somewhat confused at best.
  20. Well, we get a variety of perspectives here. Now we know Stormfront's position on the matter.