No, we do everything else in metric (including length) but all of our driving distances, limits and speeds are imperial. The rest of Europe is metric. My speedo shows KPH as well as MPH but its small and insignificant because it means nothing unless I take my car outside of the UK.
how much do those guys get paid. it seems grueling. especially if they live in the south. i need to wear a bunch of deodorant just to walk to my car in the parking lot.
Yeah I don't know why Americans think we all use Kilometers instead of miles. That always bugged me on the Simpsons when Lisa's having her wedding and Marge tells her that over in England "a mile is called a kilometer". People over a certain age still use inches and yards etc. I was raised with centimeters and millimeters. But talk about kph and it's like you're talking another language. That's something that's always peed me off about Gran Turismo (apart from GT4 and GT5) the speedos were always in kph so you have no idea how fast you're going unless you sit down and work it out. Tell me I'm going at 200mph and I know exactly how fast I'm going, tell me I'm going at 200kph and I'm lost. I also hate the way on GT5 they let you choose which system you want to use for your speedo but the dials/readouts in the cars still read in kph so they're useless to me.
I would guess not much. They get to dance, listen to music, and make an ass of themselves in public. That’s got to be a dream job for somebody.
I've heard of thugs buying those so they can impersonate police officers and do fake traffic stops where they mug people or force themselves on women.
Yeah I think they are sold off cheaply but there is still a stigma associated with it. Most of the ones I’ve seen have had their windows tinted really dark. That’s usually how I know they aren’t in service anymore. There was that college kid a few years back that pulled a girl over and killed her. They tell you to keep driving if you don’t believe it’s a real police car but that’s also a sure way to guarantee yourself a ticket or jail time.
I think over here the cars have their police stickers removed so they're just White corsas or mondeos.
I hate it when someone says "crabs bite" or "I was bitten by a scorpion". Those animals don't bite. Crabs pinch as do scorpions, scorpions also sting. Neither of these creatures bite so why do people always say they do?
Fucking hell. Put in for a job that's sort of the next level up for what I do. Got shortlisted and an interview date confirmed yesterday. Good stuff, especially considering the competition for places and I'm good at interviews. However, they've just called to say that the position is no longer available due to restructuring. What a fucking joke.
They have realise they can farm out the work to people already in the department and not have to pay the extra salary. Must be annoying for you though as I have heard that once you get a supervisors roll in tinned produce you can start building those pyramids out of ravioli cans.
Fuck knows what they've done. Normally those sort of restructurings take place prior to job advertising. it's made more annoying because it was a great opportunity at a good place.
Consider yourself lucky. I've heard horror stories where people get a job, quit their current job, and the new job is cut in a restructuring before they even start. In most states employment is "at-will" so there is no recourse for these people. They can't even collect unemployment because the willing quit their previous job and didn't technically work the new one.
We have lost about 7 or 8 jobs here in the last 2 years and they have tended to just put the work on other people (without really increasing salaries) because it works out so much cheaper. Most of our losses have come in the secretarial jobs which now means that when anyone wants to book time off it becomes a nightmare to sort out any sort of cover because everyone is already stretched. I believe sending cover to one of our branch offices is the biggest nightmare and the Partner in charge there has been making some pretty rude comments to the poor women who 'runs' HR. To be honest its probably one of my own peeves as I have ended up doing other peoples work that doesn't even fall under my department and a few jobs have become 'full time' so to speak.