17.9% drop in youth tackle football and 32.4% drop in youth touch football between 2009 and 2014. Oddly there was a 100.7% increase in the number of rugby players.
Remember when the press made a big deal about Tom Brady calling one of the accused equipment managers after the AFC Championship game and how suspicious that was supposed to be? Peyton Manning sent "private investigators" to contact the guy that said HGH had been shipped to Manning's wife. https://www.washingtonpost.com/spor...da2f04-cb05-11e5-a7b2-5a2f824b02c9_story.html
I noticed after the game that Manning gave a small rehearsed victory speech saying he was going out to drink a lot of Budweiser. To me it seemed a little forced and after the second time I'm sure it was a product plug. The thing is it's totally against the NFL regulations to for active players to plug any kind of alcohol. So either they are paying him a lot more that the fine will be or he's already made his decision that this was his last game.
Huge flop by Carolina's offense. Patriots were running on fumes and put up more of a fight than that.
I hadn't really seen the Panthers play this year so based on their reputation I was expecting a better performance. The Patriots certainly seemed like they had a better offence but I think the Panthers might have the better defense.
Peyton Manning retires from the Broncos and the NFL immediately decides it's FINALLY time to completely ban chop blocking. Coincidence?