Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Bloody trophy whores!
  2. I was signed in but just wanted to quickly check some Blur trophies without waiting 2 minutes. Switched it offline but it tried to sync anyway and then timed out and eventually crashed. Annoying.
  3. Sony's wonderful console working its magic again I see.
  4. Show us on this doll where the bad man touched you.
  5. He touched me on my PS button obviously. The most tender of all my buttons.
  6. How can you have a PS button if you're a Microsoftian?
  7. Because I loved my PS1 and PS2 days. The old PS button don't go away so quickly you know.
  8. Is there still people around that think Xbox is better than the PS3?
  9. Aliens: Colonial Marines got a really bad review on GT, don't think I will be bothering afterall.
  10. Have you got your replacement TV yet?
  11. No, they only collected my TV on thursday so I suspect they probably haven't even looked at it yet. I am hoping for a call in the next couple of days saying it is non-economical to repair and to go to the store to get a new one.
  12. I've heard a bad buzz about Aliens. Such a shame they can't get that franchise right. I might be tempted when its under a tenner if it isn't absolutely worthless
  13. Just got a call from Richer Sounds, my TV is non repairable so I have to go into the store and pick a new one. Hurrah.

    I have arranged for a family member with a van to meet me there tomorrow lunch time so I can get it home.
  14. Lucky chap. Is it for equal value?
  15. Not exactly sure they didn't say much other than go to the store, give them this number and then choose a TV.

    Either way I am getting a new free TV to replace one 4.5+ years old.
  16. @monsly I too was looking forward to a good aliens game as its been too long. I remember reading about this game being in development back in 2008 so I've been waiting for quite some time. I don't know what the fuss is about it being bad but I saw some tweets earlier from Angry Joe ( and he seemed disappointed. He said something about players must play it on the hardest setting because its woefully easy or something like that. He seemed really let down, and this was the guy who posted a video titled "The top 10 reasons why aliens colonial marines will kick ass".
  17. It's official. I won't be buying it.
  18. They didn't let me choose but they gave me this..;jsessionid=13E8174FF5181567BF8F093822E15CEB.app102-drp3

    It is OK for a free TV, especially when you consider it replaced an LCD model which was over 5 years old! Also they gave me another free warranty for another 5 years!.
  19. Not bad. The ondemand catch up stuff is convenient. No need to dig out the laptop for iPlayer, 4od etc.
  20. Spent some time with the TV last night, spent most of my time fine tuning the TV stuff but did have a brief go with the PS3.

    At first I noticed a lot of input lag, set it to Game mode and this helped but I was testing sonic generations and there still seemed to be some delay between pressing x and him jumping. This could be the game is a bit laggy I can't remember but I will turn off all of the post processing tonight and see if that helps.

    I tried both Sonic and Batman in 3D and noticed that batman was fine until there were a lot of enemies on the screen when the PS3 seemed to lag.

    As I say not got it properly set up yet though, will try to deal with any input lag issues tonight by turning all processing options off.