I probably can't get online today but I shall have a look. About time, I am getting Chi withdrawal symptoms.
Think chi might be swanning off on holiday at the moment. Either that or he broke his ASBO conditions, again. I'll try to give it a go tomorrow if I can, looks cool anyway
I'm not back til the 29th. Currently sweating buckets. My back is like Niagara falls and my ass is like whatever water thing the Niagara falls falls into. Got some monster hunter action for my downtime. How does terraria work in multiplayer?
Thanks for the ass sweat update, most welcome. Multiplayer is co-op, so maybe we could build a world together. I think you can build forts and then furnish them to attract NPCs. Hopefully have a quick go tonight; if not then Sunday should be fine for me. I'll let you know how it goes. Where you on holiday this time?
Seems like I'm working my way through most of them, was in hong Kong, now China and Macau, then finishing off in Japan. Seriously, I'm sweating so much I haven't had to pee in a week. I also can't poop.
My BB switched to Sky today and over a 10 day period they up the speed of new installs until they find a stable number. Unfortunately it starts at 4Mbps so it is probably going to be the best part of a week until I am at full speed so Chi couldn't have picked a better time.
did you forget to bring bottled water or something? You're not supposed to drink the water over there man. not even the ice cubes.
I don't touch the water or ice, I'm not a silly. I try to avoid touching anything if I can. My arse just shuts up shop when I get on a plane. Then the bowels flow freely once o hit the hotel and then nothing.
It's usually not that clean. The pipes in some of these places are pretty rusty and ick. No flouride or chlorine either. Boiled, it's OK. I wouldn't trust the water in most countries apart from home. I'm pretty sure I'd be having the opposite problem to what I have if I'd been drinking the water. Poop update: two smallish poops, tan brown in colour, not particularly dense. Medium odour.
I wouldn't really worry about it. I was the same way in Vietnam. Either it was so hot that my body was literally taking in everyone and leaving no waste or my lower digestive tract was just really shy. I was there for two and a half weeks and felt like I only had modest poops twice during that whole time.
Poop update number two: long, airy, consistency of soft serve ice cream, cinnamon colour, probably a 7 on the smell meter. Food consumed; shitloads
I'm really enjoying terraria. Think it'll work great online - same screen co-op is ace anyway. You guys should get the demo and see what you think.