Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Mrs monsly is ill so I'm out I'm afraid
  2. Anyone picking up lbp?
  3. I probably won't get anything new before Christmas now.
  4. Resogun coming to Ps3 and Vita.

    Crossbuy compatible.
  5. Oh wow... That's some big balled trolling by Square Enix

    But Grim Fandango Remastered coming in January? Wasn't expecting it so soon.
  6. I already own it on PS3, won't be buying a generic version of FFVII again.
  7. Uncharted 4 is going to be amazing.
  8. Anyone around Monday eve?
  9. Arrrssseee
  10. Tricky for me until end of next week I think, maybe.
  11. Whut. You're always playing that binding of Isaac. I've seen you
  12. He just doesn't like playing with you anymore.
  13. Well screw you guys! I'm gonna find some new online, PlayStation friends
  14. Updated the system software for the PS4 today and then later experienced the first complete crash of one of my PS4 games since I bought the hardware. Coincidence? I think not.
  15. Monsly, your favourite; Monopoly on the ps4, now only £11.99!
  16. Isn't that only part of the monopoly game? Was tempted but the other one did cause a few arguments in our house. I'm quite the sore loser.

    And I'm always playing the vita because it means I'm not hogging the TV. I'm considerate like that.
  17. You would remote play minecraft if you were really considerate...

    I'm only allowed to play monopoly once a year. Our games last for days.
  18. You need to move back to your games room.
  19. You need to stop shopping for shoes and going to birthdays