Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Trying to pick up a cheap PS3 off Gumtree today with 10 games. Money is very tight for me at the moment so cant get a new one. Hope I get it as miss console gaming.
  2. Updated the front list with an old version - let me know if I'm missing anyone. Added alterego, of course.
  3. Guess whos back, back once again!

  4. How long's it been?? GTA V is a great laugh. Get a good deal?
  5. Three years my PSN said, that was the last time I was online and had one. Yeah I guess, £90 with those two games. Bought myself Fifa as well as my mate giving me some of his old PS3 games like motorstorm pacific Rift AND RE5 ect.

    I also got internet set up yesterday so I am now online as well. Great that games I bought on the PSN store are stuck to my account so I am re-downloading them now. GTA5 is quality from what I have played so far(Story and Online), will play it properly tonight though.

    Next pay day I want either Last of Us or Tales of Xillia...
  6. Talk about jumping through hoops to get a 20th anniversary PS4 in the UK.
  7. Yeah but some people got them for £19.94 so worth a go if you could do it.
  8. The first 94 at a random pop up shop in London. Lucky bastards.
  9. Anyone around tonight?
  10. Nope. Maybe tomorrow
  11. Bloody useless. Not sure about tomorrow.
  12. NO. You are the useless one
  13. Just phone in sick. Your bar work can wait.
  14. NO. Those children need their alcohol and toys in the run up to Christmas
  15. I'm going to call you on skype tonight, out of spite. Just to weird you out.
  16. I won't answer
  17. Did anyone capture the video of Chi explaining how safe his water jump was seconds before he died last night?
  18. Not me, and the effect is lost without my voice being recorded.
  19. Monsly get onnn
  20. Huh? Thought you weren't around?