Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Rocket League, Styx: master of the shadows, Entwined and Mousecraft.
  2. Gg monsly, you took down psn with your moaning
  3. U guys around then?
  4. Yer if I can sign in
  5. Got an invite to ur party but then you'd disappeared; what's happening? The apocalypse?
  6. Ps4 psn is flaky tonight
  7. Its buggered again. Glad im not in tonight. You guys tried rocket league yet its hella fun.
  8. We ended up on worms on PS3 as couldn't get it working at all on PS4.
  9. Start up the official worms leaderboard !
  10. Anyone aboot tonight?
  11. I'm on now.
  12. I'll be on in ten

    That is all.
  14. I see monsly's dancing has improved recently
  15. O god now I'm watching him live again, surely this is cruel?
  16. For you or for him? You'll have to keep us informed on his activities.
  17. He has a full schedule.

    Mon, Tues, Fri = Singing and dancing
    Wed, Sun = Happy and fun gaming
    Thurs, Sat = Q&A with drawing

    Its almost like his job or something, monsly probably made him 15p in as revenue this week alone.
  18. He's living the dream. Making a living from doing what he loves.
  19. We on tonight? I remember nothing.
  20. I can be on for 7