Practice is like Tesco: Every little helps. Especially after the amount of times you missed the ball last night. Seriously though, it was great fun. We just need to win.
Played a bit of Rocket League with monsly... Also a brief visit to his minecraft world. He has issues.
Is he as bad at Rocket as you and Grim? PS - How did you manage to record from your 3DS. Just checked out one of your MH videos.
Did you not see the two own goals he scored? We're still better than you. I recorded off the screen since I'm not spending £200+ to have my 3ds modded. I have a little rig that attaches to the top panel
i can be about later I think. @alterego: I really enjoyed Journey; I recommend setting aside a few hours and trying to do it in one sitting. It's a short game but a memorable experience that's pretty unique.
If you can go into it spoiler free, I'd recommend it. It's short, so you only need to set aside a couple of hours to play through. Worth it.