Got back this afternoon, 300 mile drive and only hit traffic on the M25, typical. Got to pop out tomorrow around 1 for a few hours.
I once got stuck in a jam on the m6 for two hours. Travelled about 2 miles in that time. I drove past a burning truck last week, I assumed you had something to do with it. Should be fine, we weren't planning on playing until the evening.
On the way there we got stuck on Bodmin Moore near Jamaica Inn, took an hour to go a mile or so. They are widening the A30 there and it's going on until 2017! If you're going to Cornwall at all either go early or go around Bodmin. I shall see what I can do.
The last two days I have managed to pick up Asscreed: Black Flag(£10) and Watchdogs(£9.20). Some pretty nice bargains for coming to the PS4 party a bit late.
Furthest distance I have scored from on Rocket League so far.
Had a great game the other night. Scored a few nice goals.
A tour of chi's nightclub goes wrong and some helpful help from monsly on the shooting range:
Luckily now we have the platinum trophy on Minecraft so we never have to play it again! The problem is that Monsly spends all of his spare time just sitting on Minecraft hiding traps everywhere, when those of us with lives get a chance to play we go back not knowing what we are going to run into. That whole town with the nightclub was completely new to me, it wasn't there at all last time we played. I refused to go anywhere near it, unfortunately I had to go near the skeleton trap to get the trophy, the bastard knew this and used it as an excuse to blow me up.....
PSN summer sale is up now. Some nice games on there. Worms is £6.99 with PSplus...tempting. Black flag and Watch dogs came today. Finally something new to do.
LOL, I noticed he went nuclear with the explosives and destroyed half the map. After the spectacular failure I witnessed in the other video, I can't say I blame him.
What are you talking about supersonic? Monsly is a fine upstanding gentleman whose epic builds just happen to have some OSHA breaches. Actually, monsly's a chunt and we only do it to humour him after his wheedling, whiny whinging gets on our nerves.