Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I be on around 7
  2. Next months PSplus games have been announced:

    Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4)
    Limbo (PS4)
    Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
    Sound Shapes (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
    CastleStorm Complete Edition (PS3, PS Vita)
    God of War: Ascension (PS3)
  3. We on tonight?
  4. Anyone else going to pre-order Metal Gear Solid 5 soon? Under £45 on shopto and it usually comes on or the day before release.
  5. I probably won't be on tonight, if I am consider it a bonus.
  6. Bonus, eh? Debatable. I'll prob be on around 7:45ish.

    In other news, Broken Sword 5 is going to be pan and Xbox next month apparently. Fokoshed it on vita today and it was pretty good.
  7. You wot mate?
  8. Pre-ordered Metal gear Solid 5 earlier. Cant wait until it comes out. Any of you lot getting it as a month after its release the online portion will be out and if its anything like the old MGS online it will be mad fun.
  9. Guantlet is hitting PS4 this summer, might be worth us giving it a go? Not had a 4 player co-op for a while.
  10. Hmmm, I do like the traditional gauntlet games so quite tempted. Gauntlet IV on the Mega Drive was great but it's had a lot of shitty games since then. Any idea of what path they're taking with this?
  11. Some more rocket league videos with monsly and grim.

    This week, monsly orders a Chinese.

  12. Have you guys learnt how to fly in the air or forward yet?
  13. More rocket league. This week everybody has technical issues.

    We also try our hand at some ranked matches.

    And why we stopped playing Trine.

  14. Just had the Witcher 3 delivered, now it had a 7+ GB update to download so can't even play for up to an hour. PS4 is in rest mode.

    Still find it odd getting a delivery at 6:30pm on a Sunday. Call me old fashioned but I still think of Sunday as a slow day, they deliver 7am - 9pm 7 days per week now.
  15. We on for tonight?
  16. Could be. Could be
  18. Offtopic posting there phisix, there's no online stuff in that.