Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I have LBP3. I should start invading your games.
  2. You won't be able to, her account stops us playing online!!!

    Which might be a pain if there are any bits that require 3 or 4 players.... may have to disable that.
  3. Is it still screen tearing? I haven't touched it in a while
  4. Seemed OK when we played it.
  5. Yeah, that signing in thing is a real pain. It pisses me off, having to set up guest accounts for a few local games.
  6. Wednesday is a no go for me, i'm afraid.

    Thursday may be OK.
  7. You better have filled in a permission slip for that. Thursday may be possible, will have to see as I'm working late.
  8. Just recontracted my Sky Fibre for another 12 months, got it for £7.50/month (should be £20) so I will still be the guy with the best ping when we play.

    Chi, get some proper internet......
  9. I'm not the one constantly disconnecting from parties!
  10. Monsly's always had bad internet, we know that but he refuses to move from VM.

    You do however cause all of our LAGGGGGG.
  11. I have no lag. I'm on the fastest internet in the west country
  12. Yeah, but people in the West Country still use AOL CDs for their internet.
  13. Grandma Bertrum has had free internet for years
  14. Cheltenham council are very proud of their state of the art internet hub that the people of the region use to connect to the internet at unprecedented speeds.

  15. Our Rocket League skills seem to be regressing, somewhat.

  16. Anyone tried out the Rockstar Editor in GTAV yet? It's been around in the PC versions since April I believe, only just came out for consoles with the recent update on the 15th. This thing has massive potential for machinimas and otherwise cool videos.

    Here's my first attempt using it.
  17. I was expecting the return of Jimmy Macchiato. Disappointed 1/10
  18. This must mean the vice storylines will be recreated. I demand it.
  19. Fifa 16 out next week. Hope my pre-order comes early!!
  20. To avoid the confusion that was last week (still not sure the PSN is working properly on my phone) are we on tonight?