Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. FailOverFlow have hacked PS4 and have it running Linux, they even showed it off playing a Nintendo Pokemon game via an emulator. They seem quite impressed with the PS4s southbridge although I'm not sure why.

    Probably means the ability to play pirated games too. Was only going to be a matter of time.

    3D acceleration is still WIP but if they getting it going owing to PS4s x86 architecture could it mean the ability to run PC games (albeit under Linux unless they get Windows working) in the future? They wouldn't be running at high end PC level performance of course but might be interesting to see.
  2. PSN down and no reason why. Quite annoying as I wanted to play some FIFA FUT but I have the Witcher 3 anyway which is taking most of my gaming time.
  3. First video of 2016!*

    *filmed in 2015

    A whole gamut of topics in this video, and we continue our multicultural education for supersonic towards the end.
  4. Perhaps?
  5. Anyone around over weekend?
  6. Not tonight but perhaps I can be tomorrow.
  7. Cool, tomorrow eve is good for me
  8. We need to sort out some games. When r u too losers around?
  9. I'm always around, it's you two who have been slacking.
  10. Aprils PS+ line up:

    Dead Star (PS4) Zombi(ZombieU) (PS4) I Am Alive (PS3) Savage Moon (PS3) A Virus Named Tom (PS Vita) Shutshimi (PS Vita)

    Finally a month with a game that isnt all indie.
  11. @Phisix: a bit of a mixed month for me. I'm a bit tired of twin stick shooters so I hope dead star does something interesting with it.

    @Grim: let me know when ur around. Haven't seen chi for a while. Suspect he's buried under an avalanche somewhere.
  12. I have not played a shooter for a while so Zombi will do me fine. It looks good.

    FFXV has a release date and it is set for release on September 30th this year. There is a new trailer as well as having a 6 part anime series prequel and today there is a free demo on the store with a stand alone episode which will not be in the game and completing it will get you Carbuncle in the main game.

  13. This months new free PS+ games are out. Zombi is just over 10GB.
  14. Dead Star looks quite interesting but the servers are down so can't play it yet.

    Was looking forward to that shutami (???) as it was said to be a quick shmup with Binding of Isaac elements. Which was bollocks. It's ver basic and shallow - felt like I'd seen it all after 30 minutes.
  15. Liking Zombi so far. Not really played much so have only seen a few zombies here and there but I am liking it so far. Dead Star looks weird I can't make out what type of game it is.
  16. Dead Star seems to be a twin stick shooter fused with MOBA. Don't think it has any modes that are versus CPU so that really limits its appeal to me.
  17. That's cos the CPU is the only player that can't refuse to play with you.